Sunday, January 26, 2014


"It's better to speak your mind and tell the Truth, than to stay quiet and lie to yourself."

Years ago, I remember feeling bound and stuck. Situations in my life were out of control. Relationships, mostly personal, falling apart and I felt there was no place to turn.... except to food. Once again over stuffing, overeating, overkill! Food, for some of us, becomes the great comforter and our best friend. I mean think about it: It doesn't talk back, it makes us feel good (in the moment) and under stress, we can rely on it for a little happiness. 
And at first this relationship goes pretty well, you keep lying to yourself and eating and one day you wake up and BOOM! You are a blimp. You kind of ignored it when you saw the first roll on your back; even convinced yourself it was because you had kids this was normal. Lie#1. You say to yourself: " I just take after my Dad, I am large boned." Lie #2.  "I deserve this, because I only had one meal today. Let me get a second plate!" Lie #3. When do the lies end? I can tell you from my own experience; they ended when I stopped lying to myself, about everything. I am about to get all mystical on you, but bear with me: Food for me was a mouth/word stopper. I used food, my friend, to stop the words that needed to come out of my mouth to fix the situations I had gotten myself in.  I was being passive-aggressive and I couldn't stand it or me. Instead of saying and doing what needed to be done for my OWN happiness, instead of being loyal to myself; I sold out. I was a bad friend to me, I wasn't loyal and in turn, none too happy. It was hard to face, and a lot of people weren't happy with The Change; but understand this: if you lie to yourself, you will attract people that also lie to themselves. So, when you start to change they might or will resent you. Hard fact and be ready for it. Once you start telling the truth to yourself and being loyal to you, watch your world change. I stopped abusing food, and it really did become a good friend to me. I started speaking the Truth hard or soft, in all things. What didn't need to be said, I didn't say, but when it was time to speak my mind, I didn't stop my mouth anymore. I didn't hide my feelings and attracted people that had the same mind set.  Life rolled on and I with it. Be loyal to you, have integrity to self. Yours in health. 


  1. I totalally agree and great post many times we all look at food to comfort us ( since it tastes so good ) that we do'nt see the damage that we are doing to our bodys. .......... great post Coco keep um coming

    1. Thank you for reading and you are right, most people don't see the damage until it is overwhelming.
