Saturday, February 8, 2014


I was in a conversation with someone the other day, and she said something that took me aback. She was relaying a story to me, that was quite emotional, she started crying and apologized for her tears. I told her no need for apology, she then said that crying made her feel weak and like a "drama queen."  I paused before I responded and allowed her to get through her moment; but then I asked: "Would you rather walk around not feeling anything?" She said that feeling, allowing people to know they hurt you was a weakness, almost like a defect. Well! That explains me and my behavior; I am defective! I have always been accused of wearing my heart on my coat sleeve, too sensitive, too open...and I wouldn't have it any other way. You see, tears, in my opinion, are my emotional gauge.  I know when I cry, I still have healing to do and when I don't, I am good and over it.  I feel cleansed after a good cry, free, relaxed and Focused. This sense of being weak in front of people just because you show emotion, is disturbing to me.  Are we so disengaged from our own feelings that another person's tears make us uncomfortable? Tears of happiness or sadness will make us scurry to a corner and cover our heads? Are we all to walk around ever so stoically and take everything on the chin, good or bad, without a peep? What is this? Invasion of the Body Snatchers? I think not.  Emotions, like situations, that we don't deal with today, we WILL deal with tomorrow. I have learned the hard way; suppression is not the key. It is a wonderful thing to grow emotionally, and you know you have when you can control not only how you feel, but how you deal with your feelings and you will also not care what other people say regarding your emotions. They are yours to care for and never neglect. 

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