Sunday, February 23, 2014

Doing the Deed

I love to see people doing kind things for other people. The opening of a door, picking up something that someone dropped, or paying for someone's coffee. All acts of kindness that back in the day would have been rote; not so much in today's market, huh?  Bad news and bad behavior seem to be king and the king is doing big business. We have two types of people here: The naughty that are never nice and on the other hand the self-aggrandizing, bloated ego and oh, please stroke it! Look at what I did club. The naughty but never nice people I can deal with. We all see them for who they are, because they don't try to be anything else. There is no pretense; they are jerks. It is the other group that bothers me. I started this blog by listing a few kind things that I have seen people do for others, now imagine the same people, after doing these kind acts, running to their computers to immediately post, tweet or blog about what they had done? I have seen this happen, on a bigger scale than buying someone a cup of coffee. What do you think they get out of doing that? The ego stroke? The need to have people tell them how sweet and kind they are? So that they can actually start believing it? For a lot of people asking for any type of help is humiliating. How much more awful for them to find out that the same person they asked, in private, posted what they had done. Even if they didn't post a name, that is humiliating. Remember: A good deed, told, can be someone's shame. I speak from experience, there have been people throughout my life that have helped me in ways I would have never believed; and nothing was said after. I knew what they had done, they knew what they had done and there was no ulterior motive. They didn't need a public declaration or a medal of Good Deed Doer given to them. There are those that would say who cares if they talk after doing something nice for someone, at least they did it. I would say a part of me agrees with you, whatever the issue was, it needed to be taken care of.  But, doesn't talking about what you did and the person's problem make it gossip? And isn't gossiping... mean? So doesn't that kind of negate the good that you just tried to do? See the big snowball here? I guess at the end of the day, I need to be able to look at myself. This is why I try to deal with everyone with as much sincerity as I can muster and I hope you do the same. 
Peace and Gratitude

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