Monday, February 17, 2014

The P word.

As I sit here typing, watching one of my cats watch my fingers hit the keys on the keyboard; he watches my fingers, then looks at me, then looks at the monitor, with this quizzical look on his face, and I have a sense of...Peace. It took me a long time to get to this place and I cherish these moments. Do you have those moments sometimes? Where you get this overwhelming sense of calm? No matter what is going on around you, there you are on your own island of peace, floating and happy. Nothing can shake that inner peace, most of us have gone through too much to reach it and we aren't giving it up easy.  It isn't that people or situations don't get to us sometimes, our responses are just different. Now some people would call this getting older and somewhat wiser. This could be true( I don't feel THAT old though!) or is it experiencing some not so savory things that forces you to want peace in your life?  There are those that see peace and run from it.  They are addicted to the drama, they sometimes call it passion or "fun." The constant upheaval, arguments and overall bad behavior that would cause any sane person an ulcer or at least hair loss, seems a good time for some. As I am sure to them my life might seem absolutely boring, we all learn differently and I learned that I love peace. Watching my cat, Lucien, watch me typing to you, at Peace. 
Wishing you Peace and Love, but mostly Peace.  

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