Sunday, March 9, 2014

I don't get it!

I am sitting here in amazement. My mind is blown and I am a bit confused. As I was preparing to write a blog about something... I don't know, serious and maybe touching, I was distracted. Maybe you can help me; explain to me why there is a show on television called "Naked and Afraid?!" Why are they naked? And why the hell are they afraid?! It's like naked Survivor. These people are running around buck naked in a jungle, foraging for food, trying to start fires, no shoes on and walking on rocks.. Why? I don't even know if it is for money. And if it is, how much do they get to walk around in a jungle with no clothes on? Would I be willing to do this for a huge payoff? Seriously, ask yourself how much would they have to pay you to walk around naked, in a jungle, with big bugs(crawling only God knows where)and strange animals? Now when I describe it that way it is scary. What this show really makes me realize is how desperate we are for entertainment. A show with naked people walking around, having "private" moments with the camera is so extreme it is hilarious. I don't judge people for watching these "reality" shows, we all have our vices, but I just don't get it. Naked and Afraid? Really?

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