Saturday, January 18, 2014


Why are people so afraid or resentful of competition?  Have you ever watched someone when they are around the person or people that they deem to be competition in whatever? Job, relationship, LIFE!? How every insecurity is on display for the world to see. This person, in front of you, might seem so secure with who they are. But as soon as the "enemy" comes into the room, they turn into an envious, backstabbing, "Why did they get this and I didn't" person. It doesn't have to be this way. I want to flip this and turn it into something positive: Competition is good. Competition only makes you better at Life. Why? You can learn from your competitors. If you take your ego out of it( and I know that can be hard) and really pay attention to why they are succeeding where you can't catch a break; you might just learn something. Let's turn this Spiritual: If you can be happy for someone else's good fortune, you won't block YOURS! Instead of asking "Why them?" say "Why NOT them?" and keep moving forward with your own aspirations. Because guess what? There is enough for everyone! Enough business, enough money, enough Love, enough for us all. In all things be sincere, even when you know you might be more talented, focus on you. 

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