Sunday, January 12, 2014

What happened to the "Real" Vampires?

This is a blog about vampires. Yes, Vampires! I love a good vampire story and I haven't seen one in a long time. I am going to vent, so get ready. What happened to the old fashioned vampire story? Why aren't they scary anymore? Why are writers of these television shows making vampires so... well... lovey dovey? It is totally against the vampire rules! Vampires use sex appeal to hypnotize and enthrall, they don't take you out to dinner. You are supposed to be their "blood letting booty call" not their girlfriend! Vampires are supposed to be able to shape shift into wolves, bats, smoke or rats, not walk around with ripped jeans and fancy jackets saving the Eco system. Really!? This is what we have come to? Even our vampires are politically correct? Vampires are supposed to make us love our humanity because they are the "living" dead. They are supposed to envy us and in turn need and crave our Life blood, our being able to walk in the light, when did all of this get so screwed up? Vampires are supposed to hate garlic, holy water, mirrors, daylight, crosses and not be able to go on "holy ground." Well, I swear the other day watching this gawd awful movie about vampires, they were sitting in a church, while making garlic potatoes, sipping holy water! Okay, I exaggerate, but you get my point. I just want a good old fashioned vampire story, where they bite with relish, and are good at it. One that has the capacity to still make me jump and be afraid of the dark.  I guess I will go watch Francis Ford Coppola's: Bram Stokers "Dracula." Gary Oldman scares me oh so good in this one. :) 

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