Monday, January 6, 2014


"Blessed are the flexible, fore they will never be bent out of shape."

Have you ever met anyone that always seemed to be; Chill?
Relaxed?  Without an illegal/somewhat legal substance? I am always in awe of these people. No matter what the situation, they are calm. Years ago I had a co-worker like this, ever so peaceful, not overly happy, just... and the only word I have is: Mellow. I asked him more than once how he stays so calm? Why doesn't he get upset over the same nonsense we were all upset about? His response: "Why?" I asked "Why, what?!"  
He asked me again: "Why?" Why are you upset over these things that 1. Don't matter. 2. Can you change it? 3. Is it really anything to get upset over? Wow, first of all I didn't know he was that deep, I thought he was just high all the time! But those three questions made me stop and think about the inconsequential things that I and many people get so worked up about. Time wasted and blood pressure raised. Now mind you, I was younger then and in youth our blood runs a little hotter and so do our heads, so we can get a pass. But with age, wisdom is supposed to arrive, right? I still get worked up, I just pick my battles better.  Do you see the ones that are constantly "at war" with themselves and others?There is no flexibility, no change, no adaptability and no release.  It shows on their faces and wreaks havoc with their health.  The most important thing is to feel good. If what you are thinking, seeing, talking about doesn't make you feel good... Why? 

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