Thursday, December 29, 2011


How much time do you think we waste on wishing? Or listing and sighing over the should have's, could have's, wonder if's? I am sure no one has ever tallied up the minutes and seconds that we put in wondering, but if they did, you know the numbers would be huge!  If a wish could sustain us, we would all be happy and full. I have found that wishing is easy, doing can be difficult... sometimes, regret at not doing either; painful. Wishing is the stuff of dreams, combine those two and you have Hope. Those are the things that keep us going, but what is the point if you don't act? Research has shown that change, the ability to act, move, adapt to a new situation can stress some of us so horribly that it will manifest itself into the physical, causing hyperventilation, hives, hot/cold flashes, shakes, fevers, full blown anxiety attacks. I was one of those, yup! me, Dawn " Hot/cold flash, full of hives " Morris, change was my nemesis or so I thought. I had to look at it another way, flip it, get really tired of being: Stagnate. If you find yourself in this situation now, wishing and hoping for change, but too afraid to move, don't be too hard on yourself. Take baby steps to get out of this. When you wish, of course wish BIG, but act and move with baby steps. Don't overwhelm yourself, but MOVE!  Write your weekly goals down, be diligent, but keep it MOVING!  Keep it simple, walk for twenty minutes instead of trying to run ten miles your first day out of the gate; Get my drift? This philosophy can be used in any situation :) Just remember: To Act is to Live. Love and Peace

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Be Real... and Grow!

People often ask me how I lost ninety pounds, what did I do that was so special. Did I change my eating habits? Yes.  Did I exercise? Yes. I did all those things, but most importantly; I was real. The excuses were cut out, I couldn’t create anymore actually. Getting to this point was hard, we love our excuses AND I have really good ones: 1. I am too tired or busy to work out(work, kids, cleaning, painting something, etc.) not that some aren’t legitimate, but there are a lot of hours in the day!  2. I will start (dieting, exercising) Monday. Why always Monday? Why not now? What makes Monday magical? Are we going to love it anymore on Monday? I  think not.  3. My knees, back, hip, head, throat hurt. Yes, they probably do. You are ninety pounds overweight! I am not trying to make light of this, but when I think back on all of the ways I bamboozled myself, I can’t help but laugh. I made the weight bigger than me(excuse the pun), if I didn’t see instant results I would just give up, I wasn’t ready to put in the work, hence the excuses and then the guilt. Oh the guilt; it takes on a life of its own, and why do we feel guilt?  When the reality is; we are doing just what we want, for good or bad, it IS what we want, it is our choice. That can be a harsh reality and it does require being honest and real with yourself and once started; it flows into every area of your life.  It is one of  The greatest gifts we can give ourselves; this whole honesty thing.  Acceptance,  Approval  and Honesty are required for change. Make it happen, no excuses.

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's okay

I woke up feeling heavy, not physically; mentally. November 11TH, my beloved, deceased mothers birthday. Do you know that feeling when you are about to go to the "Bad place" and you keep fighting it, doing everything you can not to feel, to keep it moving, to be happy. So, on this day I decided to embrace my sadness, no more talking myself out of it. I could have crying jags if I want( even in front of people!), I would allow "Fit throwing", toss a few pillows, lay out on the floor and kick and scream, etc., watch bad television while lying in bed drinking copious amounts of wine and mumbling ABOUT how bad t.v is, but the most important part to my plan: I was going to allow myself to grieve. I didn't run from my pain( I also didn't throw a fit), sometimes people will make you feel as if you must rush through a painful situation, so the healing process can begin. Not realizing that the pain IS part of the healing process, so own it, just don't wallow in it. I lived and coped with my day the way my mother would have: I didn't stay in the bed, I did go to work and allowed myself to be open to my clients, I didn't just go through the motions. They, in turn, brought me happiness. I did light a candle, do my Yoga, and am now writing to you. Being sad doesn't mean we don't appreciate life, it doesn't mean you aren't grateful, but you do need a second, a moment to regroup and refresh.  Be happy or sad, embrace both.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fit2bFree!: Watch your words

Fit2bFree!: Watch your words: As a woman there isn't anything worse than being called fat, you can call us anything else, but make a mean comment about our weight and you...

Watch your words

As a woman there isn't anything worse than being called fat, you can call us anything else, but make a mean comment about our weight and you bring us to our knees. Now, some will deny this and say that being called the B-word is way worse, and I will agree, but people call each other the B-word all day. In fact, sometimes it's used as a term of endearment( as sick as that is). But call someone fat; and watch their whole countenance change. All day long they (women mostly) will ask every friend they have if she looks fat: "Do you think I am fat?", "Do I look fat in this?" we drive ourselves and everyone else crazy. I know, because I was she, you know, Her, that girl that asked all the time "Do I look fat?" when the reality was that I already knew the answer; I did. That doesn't stop you from hoping that someone will say you don't look fat, that you are all right, that you are great the way you are.  I watched a t.v show tonight that is based on an overweight young lady trying to get her life and weight on track. This girl is sweet and kind and takes care of her sick mother, who wouldn't want a friend or daughter like this? As I watched this show I saw her be openly discriminated against because of her weight, taunted and called "Fat B" This girl went from being happy most of the time to someone that couldn't stop crying, didn't want to leave her house at all because of something some idiotic strangers said to her. That show brought all of my memories back; being taunted while jogging " HEY! MOVE YOUR FAT ASS!", While eating:"Really? Are you going to eat ALL of that?" Even by doctors: " I just don't get it! How do your ankles hold you? they are so small" Yeah, that was said. Well meaning family members(did you hear the sarcasm?) make you terrified to be at family functions because of their snide and hateful comments. Let me clue everyone in on something: Fat people KNOW they are fat. They don't need your stares, comments, meanness, etc. If you are not there to restore, respect, or relate, walk away. I was saddened by this show, it proved that no matter how enlightened we believe we are, how smart, funny, beautiful, one little word still has that much power, and we ALL buy in. I am about to step off my box... but before I do, and read this slowly: Be Kind, it costs you nothing. Be compassionate, you will be blessed for it. Stand up for someone who can't stand up for themselves because they were never taught and you will be a Hero, and don't we all need one? Peace. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why We Exercise

I have a client that hates to exercise, no, I mean REALLY hates to workout, but has no problem dieting. Her logic is that she can lose the same amount of weight just dieting and not have to exercise; so I gave an assignment: Don't see me for two weeks, keep a strict diet, and just... chill. She couldn 't believe it! I was willing to give up income and be proven wrong!? Well, I knew      ( from experience) that my little experiment would be in my favor. I wanted her to see that: Yes, you can lose the weight, BUT! when you exercise with a diet that isn't extreme, that actually follows... wait I am about to say it, the Food Pyramid! Your body will tone beautifully, you will shed water weight like crazy, and your attitude will be so much better. The "experiment"  worked, she saw that though the weight was getting lost, with every pound lost there was stretchy skin that had once been tightening up. She noticed that her energy levels had dropped greatly, skin was lackluster, and clarity low. She figured it out! What we all know, exercise matters. It can change not only your body, but your LIFE! It is why we do what we do, every day, and why she is STILL my client. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

For the Beautiful and Alone....

Young, smart, beautiful, employed, fit, and.... Alone! How many do you know that fit this description? I recently joined a very popular, expensive, dating network( it shall remain nameless) and after four hours of filling out my profile and all that I want in a partner, etc. and blah, blah, blah; I get a little message that informs me that I am SO special that finding a "better half" to my "Best Half" will be a challenge for them! WHAT!!? WHAT AM I PAYING YOU FOR!? To repeat what my mama used to say!? That only someone "Special" would love me?! It was such a lovely way to let me down gently, how could I be upset.. but I was! Heck, I want to hold hands! I want to skip through fields and crap! But then I thought about what they were saying, I AM special! No People, in a good way, thank you very much! There is absolutely nothing the matter with me, just as there is nothing the matter with you.   I am turning this into a "lift a candle and wave it " moment; but, in my rush to date and trip the light fantastic( what DOES that mean!?) I have kissed some frogs, gotten hurt feelings, and been DD( disgusted and disappointed) to the point where I had this impenetrable wall around me. The wall is the bad place, it is a waste of time and energy, but most of all; it doesn't work.  I need to be patient, I will let Mr. Special find me for once and "trip the light fantastic" ( I still don't know what it means, but I like how it sounds) with friends and.. Me. I happen to like me in all my Special-ness :) Be Patient my friends, set your standards and KEEP to them, write down all the things you love about yourself, instead of focusing on all that you dislike, and you will attract what you like! Expect the BEST and you will get the best, because you DESERVE it.  Now put your candles down before you burn you hand....
Peace :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Choose... You.

Often times we believe that if we put ourselves first, we are being selfish, in fact aren’t we raised to believe that? That is not the type of selfish I mean here; I am not talking about being so selfish that you neglect family and responsibilities or being just a jerk that won’t do for others. I am talking about putting some things aside, so that You can have me time. Yes, the elusive Me time, who ever really has it? Between work, children, errands, did I say work?! Me time has become an urban legend, something people talk about in whispers and dark rooms, no, seriously! Who gets Me time? I’ll tell you who; Smart People.  Yup, that’s what I said: Smart People! Smart people know that without Me time, they get sick from overwork and stress. Smart people know that they have to find the time to exercise to keep healthy, even if it’s five in the morning( I know, that’s painful). Most importantly; Smart people know that Me time is just that, ME TIME! and it is whatever makes you happy: a manicure, sitting in front of your computer, reading a book, or just sitting doing nothing, it is your time. Time for you to get your thoughts in order, or not have a thought at all. Make time for Me time and recharge your mind and spirit. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


"Bloom where you're planted", I have heard this my whole life and never really "got" it, until now.
When in situations that we think we can't deal with, we usually can, but it takes changing our perspective. No! I know it's not easy, and it sounds so simplistic, but it WORKS!  Prime example;  I didn't like the apartment I was in, it was small, I couldn't stand the landlords, shall I go on? I didn't even realize I was complaining out loud to people! Then one day ( I guess I was sighing and complaining AGAIN!) and my friend looked at me and said "Dawn, bloom where you are planted" she channeled my mama! I was shocked and she was right. I shut my mouth and changed my thinking; instead of saying " I can't stand living here!" I started decorating, I painted, I started buying myself flowers for my table, I started falling in love with my space. I used the same technique with losing weight, I don't know why I forgot( but we Do!) I started loving my body, I started taking in healthy food and positive knowledge that would help me love my body AND mind. I changed my perspective, and I bloomed. I stopped making my weight ( excuse my pun) bigger than me, I realized that perspective, attitude, whatever you want to call it, plays such a huge role in everything we do. Don't believe? Try it... I'm just sayin' :)

Monday, March 14, 2011


When I look back on my 43 years on this beautiful Earth, I like to go over, review if you will, all the myths and untruths that have been passed down.  Some very funny, some just out right silly!
1. Men don't care if women shave. Really?! Who are these men? So, I guess when summer comes and you are out with your man wearing a tank, looking as if you have a short person with a BIG afro in a headlock! You think your man won't be a little embarrassed? Okay, test it Little Sasquatch! :)

2. Men don't care if you get a Mani/Pedi ( This means manicure and pedicure for those that Don't get them!)  Really?! Who are these people?! Okay, so in your world cracked, steel-wool heels are sexy? When you walk on linoleum and your toes make that clicking sound on the floor this is okay?  OR when you have ruined multiple sets of sheets; due to your toes slashing them, don't you think it is time to file those knives down?

3. When you are in Love, weight doesn't matter anymore.
 Ahhh.... the Lies. Let's face it together; we are all shallow to a certain degree. We think about looks before health ( high heels prove that! Poor back!) Most of us want to look our very best , so why is it, when we get into a relationship, or become a certain age, we let it all go?  Then we blame love, career, children, etc. for our inability to love ourselves. Yes! I SAID: For our inability to Love ourself enough to keep heart healthy, spiritually happy,or mentally happy; they are all tied together.  Yup, Dawn is on her soapbox , but, how much time do you dedicate, per week, to being loving to.... You?  Not for a man or woman, just for you.  Exercise, meditate, approve of yourself, affirm who you are, be in LOVE with you! It took me 43years to learn it.... I'm just sayin'
Peace :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fit2bFree!: Self-Motivation

Fit2bFree!: Self-Motivation: "Though everyone has the right to their opinion... (disclaimer), it bugs me a little when I read things like this: ' It doesn't take Self-Mot..."


Though everyone has the right to their opinion... (disclaimer), it bugs me a little when I read things like this: " It doesn't take Self-Motivation to lose weight!" REALLY!?  It takes self-motivation to get out of bed sometimes! I wonder when people make these statements do they THINK first? Have they ever been over weight? Have they ever had their thighs rub!? Shall I NOT go there? Seriously, when I was heavy and I couldn't afford the gym or the Trainer and all of the accouterments that go with, it was my self-motivation that made me get up at five am, eighty - five pounds over the limit and move it till I was crying! Self-motivation is what kept me from eating things.... really good, hot, sticky things( you know those things!), that were bad for me. Self-motivation is what keeps you exercising, food journaling; writing down ALL that you ate, every day ( tedious, but it works) Self-motivation helps you stay focused, it helps you block out the negative, because you know that what you are doing, all the hard work, all the tears, all the ups and downs of that darn scale are going to lead to one of The best sounds in the world: The sound of the zipper on your favorite pair of jeans going up nice and easy... aaaahhhh!  So don't talk to me about how losing weight doesn't take self-motivation unless you have been there with thighs rubbin' :)