Friday, January 28, 2011


Though everyone has the right to their opinion... (disclaimer), it bugs me a little when I read things like this: " It doesn't take Self-Motivation to lose weight!" REALLY!?  It takes self-motivation to get out of bed sometimes! I wonder when people make these statements do they THINK first? Have they ever been over weight? Have they ever had their thighs rub!? Shall I NOT go there? Seriously, when I was heavy and I couldn't afford the gym or the Trainer and all of the accouterments that go with, it was my self-motivation that made me get up at five am, eighty - five pounds over the limit and move it till I was crying! Self-motivation is what kept me from eating things.... really good, hot, sticky things( you know those things!), that were bad for me. Self-motivation is what keeps you exercising, food journaling; writing down ALL that you ate, every day ( tedious, but it works) Self-motivation helps you stay focused, it helps you block out the negative, because you know that what you are doing, all the hard work, all the tears, all the ups and downs of that darn scale are going to lead to one of The best sounds in the world: The sound of the zipper on your favorite pair of jeans going up nice and easy... aaaahhhh!  So don't talk to me about how losing weight doesn't take self-motivation unless you have been there with thighs rubbin' :)

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