Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why We Exercise

I have a client that hates to exercise, no, I mean REALLY hates to workout, but has no problem dieting. Her logic is that she can lose the same amount of weight just dieting and not have to exercise; so I gave an assignment: Don't see me for two weeks, keep a strict diet, and just... chill. She couldn 't believe it! I was willing to give up income and be proven wrong!? Well, I knew      ( from experience) that my little experiment would be in my favor. I wanted her to see that: Yes, you can lose the weight, BUT! when you exercise with a diet that isn't extreme, that actually follows... wait I am about to say it, the Food Pyramid! Your body will tone beautifully, you will shed water weight like crazy, and your attitude will be so much better. The "experiment"  worked, she saw that though the weight was getting lost, with every pound lost there was stretchy skin that had once been tightening up. She noticed that her energy levels had dropped greatly, skin was lackluster, and clarity low. She figured it out! What we all know, exercise matters. It can change not only your body, but your LIFE! It is why we do what we do, every day, and why she is STILL my client. 

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