Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Watch your words

As a woman there isn't anything worse than being called fat, you can call us anything else, but make a mean comment about our weight and you bring us to our knees. Now, some will deny this and say that being called the B-word is way worse, and I will agree, but people call each other the B-word all day. In fact, sometimes it's used as a term of endearment( as sick as that is). But call someone fat; and watch their whole countenance change. All day long they (women mostly) will ask every friend they have if she looks fat: "Do you think I am fat?", "Do I look fat in this?" we drive ourselves and everyone else crazy. I know, because I was she, you know, Her, that girl that asked all the time "Do I look fat?" when the reality was that I already knew the answer; I did. That doesn't stop you from hoping that someone will say you don't look fat, that you are all right, that you are great the way you are.  I watched a t.v show tonight that is based on an overweight young lady trying to get her life and weight on track. This girl is sweet and kind and takes care of her sick mother, who wouldn't want a friend or daughter like this? As I watched this show I saw her be openly discriminated against because of her weight, taunted and called "Fat B" This girl went from being happy most of the time to someone that couldn't stop crying, didn't want to leave her house at all because of something some idiotic strangers said to her. That show brought all of my memories back; being taunted while jogging " HEY! MOVE YOUR FAT ASS!", While eating:"Really? Are you going to eat ALL of that?" Even by doctors: " I just don't get it! How do your ankles hold you? they are so small" Yeah, that was said. Well meaning family members(did you hear the sarcasm?) make you terrified to be at family functions because of their snide and hateful comments. Let me clue everyone in on something: Fat people KNOW they are fat. They don't need your stares, comments, meanness, etc. If you are not there to restore, respect, or relate, walk away. I was saddened by this show, it proved that no matter how enlightened we believe we are, how smart, funny, beautiful, one little word still has that much power, and we ALL buy in. I am about to step off my box... but before I do, and read this slowly: Be Kind, it costs you nothing. Be compassionate, you will be blessed for it. Stand up for someone who can't stand up for themselves because they were never taught and you will be a Hero, and don't we all need one? Peace. 

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