Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just Breathe

As I have gotten older and lived around different types of people, all from various walks of life, I have learned to appreciate the differences and the idiosyncrasies. But, I also wonder and watch in amazement as people do and say the oddest and most vile things straight to your face and don't blink! Picture this: I am at work and one of my co-workers asks me when they are going to get the clear to say and call me the N-word. I am not joking. Now mind you, I would have been offended even if this person was Black, so to have a White person say this to me not only struck me as surreal, but I ended up laughing and said, in my "this person is "Special" voice" I wouldn't ever do that. My co-worker then said "Even if I don't put an er on it, just keep it nigguh, you know! with a uh?" This is when I said to myself "Dawn, just breathe" and I explained it this way: When you call someone a bitch, does the meaning change when you say it like BEEEEAAATTTCCH? No, you are STILL calling them a bitch. The same goes for the word nigger. No matter how you say it or spell it, a nigga, is a nigger, is a nigguh! If I pulled all of the racial epithets that I know( and I know a lot) and changed the spelling or the way I say it, do you think it would take the hurt and pain away from the word and the history behind them? All of the pain these words and their meaning have caused people?  I don't think so. Now I need you to know that I lectured for about five minutes and when I went to wrap it all up; I looked at this person, this child standing in front of me and forgave them their ignorance. Even in this global community, where common sense ain't so common, we still are... here. I asked this person why would you want to call anyone these words? They are beyond hurtful, why? There was no answer and I really didn't expect one. Everyday Humans never cease to amaze, befuddle, surprise me with our compassion and sicken me with our insensitivity. And yet, we all muddle through don't we? We just count to ten and breeeaaathe. 
Peace and Love, but mostly Peace.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Driving this early morning to get to work, I was not in the best of moods. I was running late and running on empty. Sleep is like a long lost friend lately and the cold is like a family member that came to visit and now won't go home. This was my morning start, scrambling for Time, we all know that never works. As I'm driving down the highway, I'm in my head and I turn to look left and there is a sight that takes my breath away. The Sun had decided to put on a show. Peeking through the gray clouds came the Suns rays, but instead of the rays being a white light, they were pinkish white. Turning the clouds around this beautiful beam of light pink and gray. There is no way for me to give you a perfect visual, moments like this should always come with a picture! It's like trying to describe the Grand Canyon, you have to see it to believe it or it just sounds like a big hole. These are the moments we will miss if we are constantly in our heads.  Moments of pure Grace and beauty.  When we should be saying Thank you, instead of "I have this to pay, this to do and everything feels like a burden." Those things are going to be there and they don't have to be a burden! I don't search for Grace; it usually comes to me when I am distressed, harassed or grouchy. It is a soft smack against my head to remind me to pay attention to what is around me: The good, be aware of the bad and the ugly, but focus on the good. The old adage, Count your Blessings, is appropriately used here and I hope you are counting.  Even when we feel low, count what is good in your Life. My personal belief is that we all have to be open to the idea of feeling good and then be willing to accept it when it comes to us. Be: Ready, willing and able to accept Grace in all its forms. 
Peace and Love, but mostly Peace. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I don't get it!

I am sitting here in amazement. My mind is blown and I am a bit confused. As I was preparing to write a blog about something... I don't know, serious and maybe touching, I was distracted. Maybe you can help me; explain to me why there is a show on television called "Naked and Afraid?!" Why are they naked? And why the hell are they afraid?! It's like naked Survivor. These people are running around buck naked in a jungle, foraging for food, trying to start fires, no shoes on and walking on rocks.. Why? I don't even know if it is for money. And if it is, how much do they get to walk around in a jungle with no clothes on? Would I be willing to do this for a huge payoff? Seriously, ask yourself how much would they have to pay you to walk around naked, in a jungle, with big bugs(crawling only God knows where)and strange animals? Now when I describe it that way it is scary. What this show really makes me realize is how desperate we are for entertainment. A show with naked people walking around, having "private" moments with the camera is so extreme it is hilarious. I don't judge people for watching these "reality" shows, we all have our vices, but I just don't get it. Naked and Afraid? Really?