Sunday, January 26, 2014


"It's better to speak your mind and tell the Truth, than to stay quiet and lie to yourself."

Years ago, I remember feeling bound and stuck. Situations in my life were out of control. Relationships, mostly personal, falling apart and I felt there was no place to turn.... except to food. Once again over stuffing, overeating, overkill! Food, for some of us, becomes the great comforter and our best friend. I mean think about it: It doesn't talk back, it makes us feel good (in the moment) and under stress, we can rely on it for a little happiness. 
And at first this relationship goes pretty well, you keep lying to yourself and eating and one day you wake up and BOOM! You are a blimp. You kind of ignored it when you saw the first roll on your back; even convinced yourself it was because you had kids this was normal. Lie#1. You say to yourself: " I just take after my Dad, I am large boned." Lie #2.  "I deserve this, because I only had one meal today. Let me get a second plate!" Lie #3. When do the lies end? I can tell you from my own experience; they ended when I stopped lying to myself, about everything. I am about to get all mystical on you, but bear with me: Food for me was a mouth/word stopper. I used food, my friend, to stop the words that needed to come out of my mouth to fix the situations I had gotten myself in.  I was being passive-aggressive and I couldn't stand it or me. Instead of saying and doing what needed to be done for my OWN happiness, instead of being loyal to myself; I sold out. I was a bad friend to me, I wasn't loyal and in turn, none too happy. It was hard to face, and a lot of people weren't happy with The Change; but understand this: if you lie to yourself, you will attract people that also lie to themselves. So, when you start to change they might or will resent you. Hard fact and be ready for it. Once you start telling the truth to yourself and being loyal to you, watch your world change. I stopped abusing food, and it really did become a good friend to me. I started speaking the Truth hard or soft, in all things. What didn't need to be said, I didn't say, but when it was time to speak my mind, I didn't stop my mouth anymore. I didn't hide my feelings and attracted people that had the same mind set.  Life rolled on and I with it. Be loyal to you, have integrity to self. Yours in health. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Why are people so afraid or resentful of competition?  Have you ever watched someone when they are around the person or people that they deem to be competition in whatever? Job, relationship, LIFE!? How every insecurity is on display for the world to see. This person, in front of you, might seem so secure with who they are. But as soon as the "enemy" comes into the room, they turn into an envious, backstabbing, "Why did they get this and I didn't" person. It doesn't have to be this way. I want to flip this and turn it into something positive: Competition is good. Competition only makes you better at Life. Why? You can learn from your competitors. If you take your ego out of it( and I know that can be hard) and really pay attention to why they are succeeding where you can't catch a break; you might just learn something. Let's turn this Spiritual: If you can be happy for someone else's good fortune, you won't block YOURS! Instead of asking "Why them?" say "Why NOT them?" and keep moving forward with your own aspirations. Because guess what? There is enough for everyone! Enough business, enough money, enough Love, enough for us all. In all things be sincere, even when you know you might be more talented, focus on you. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

What happened to the "Real" Vampires?

This is a blog about vampires. Yes, Vampires! I love a good vampire story and I haven't seen one in a long time. I am going to vent, so get ready. What happened to the old fashioned vampire story? Why aren't they scary anymore? Why are writers of these television shows making vampires so... well... lovey dovey? It is totally against the vampire rules! Vampires use sex appeal to hypnotize and enthrall, they don't take you out to dinner. You are supposed to be their "blood letting booty call" not their girlfriend! Vampires are supposed to be able to shape shift into wolves, bats, smoke or rats, not walk around with ripped jeans and fancy jackets saving the Eco system. Really!? This is what we have come to? Even our vampires are politically correct? Vampires are supposed to make us love our humanity because they are the "living" dead. They are supposed to envy us and in turn need and crave our Life blood, our being able to walk in the light, when did all of this get so screwed up? Vampires are supposed to hate garlic, holy water, mirrors, daylight, crosses and not be able to go on "holy ground." Well, I swear the other day watching this gawd awful movie about vampires, they were sitting in a church, while making garlic potatoes, sipping holy water! Okay, I exaggerate, but you get my point. I just want a good old fashioned vampire story, where they bite with relish, and are good at it. One that has the capacity to still make me jump and be afraid of the dark.  I guess I will go watch Francis Ford Coppola's: Bram Stokers "Dracula." Gary Oldman scares me oh so good in this one. :) 

Monday, January 6, 2014


"Blessed are the flexible, fore they will never be bent out of shape."

Have you ever met anyone that always seemed to be; Chill?
Relaxed?  Without an illegal/somewhat legal substance? I am always in awe of these people. No matter what the situation, they are calm. Years ago I had a co-worker like this, ever so peaceful, not overly happy, just... and the only word I have is: Mellow. I asked him more than once how he stays so calm? Why doesn't he get upset over the same nonsense we were all upset about? His response: "Why?" I asked "Why, what?!"  
He asked me again: "Why?" Why are you upset over these things that 1. Don't matter. 2. Can you change it? 3. Is it really anything to get upset over? Wow, first of all I didn't know he was that deep, I thought he was just high all the time! But those three questions made me stop and think about the inconsequential things that I and many people get so worked up about. Time wasted and blood pressure raised. Now mind you, I was younger then and in youth our blood runs a little hotter and so do our heads, so we can get a pass. But with age, wisdom is supposed to arrive, right? I still get worked up, I just pick my battles better.  Do you see the ones that are constantly "at war" with themselves and others?There is no flexibility, no change, no adaptability and no release.  It shows on their faces and wreaks havoc with their health.  The most important thing is to feel good. If what you are thinking, seeing, talking about doesn't make you feel good... Why?