Sunday, May 10, 2020

But Did You Die? A Love Story

"But Did You Die?"

I bought a t-shirt with this slogan on it. It's a Personal Trainer type question. One that we will ask a Client that is griping and groaning about the hard workout that we just gave them. With sarcasm and a little bit of derision, we will ask "But did you die?." No? Then keep moving!" I really started to think about this saying. I mean I had to sit and really think(I used all of my brain cells!)about it...this applies to so many things in life. This question is deeper than I thought. Take a moment with me. Take a moment to think about all of the times in your life when you thought the pain of whatever you were going through was going to actually kill you. It isn't dramatic at all. Heartache, depression, desperation, loneliness, deep disappointment, physical pain, all of these things can have any one of us feeling as if we would want to die. It isn't a comfortable conversation, but it's real. But we didn't. We didn't die. We are here to tell the tale. So, let's tell it. 

"Life is a gift. Wake up every day and realize that."

There are levels of heartache, I realized this young. There is the heartache of young love. When you believe there is no other love like yours. Your love could start fires that could never be put out. Just because you are young, doesn't mean that your love isn't real, but it is usually fleeting. Then there is the pain of betrayal, familial or romantic and the pain cuts right through you. You don't want the Sun to shine or flowers to grow. Stop the World! The pain of divorce I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I mean that. There is the pain of realizing that you aren't the person you thought you were and they sure ain't the person you thought they were! STOP THE WORLD! Then the heartbreaking pain of loss from the great equalizer: Death. Death doesn't give a WHAT! Death doesn't care how much money you have, what ethnicity you are, if you have a good job, blah, blah, blah. When my mother was dying, I told myself that if she were to die, so would I. Now mind you, I was newly married with our first child on the way. I had a lot to live for. If my Mama would have known what I was thinking, she would have disowned me. Her very words, always, were "You get one life, go live!." Even in pain, life is a gift. Do you feel it? Do you see your gift? 

"You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life you are excited about. Don't let others make you forget that."

You can't change how people feel about you. You can't change how people behave. But you can change how you react. You can change how you view your life. When I tell you I fell in love with myself, I am not yanking your chain. It is a true statement. And through my love, I found my self-worth. And through my self-worth, I found my desire to be happy. I realized that I actually deserve happiness. I didn't die from all of the pain. I needed to live to tell you the tale of the "Getting Over: The story of Hope and Joy." I just made that up by the way. You can use it if you like. :) It's a story that is still going on! YOU deserve happiness. You deserve to be excited every day about what's coming next. Heartbreak will happen in all its forms, that's life at work. As Rocky Balboa said(I love Rocky!) "Nothin' hits harder than life." And we shall take that hit and get up saying, I absolutely love life! I absolutely love me! And I didn't die! :) Wishing you love and peace! But mostly, Peace. 

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