Monday, March 16, 2020

So You're The One?

So you're the one?
The one who threatens and slanders. 
The one who hides behind false masculinity 
While your weakness seethes.
So you're the one who hates Women?
Oh! I know you'll deny it,
You'll never admit it! 
But your actions speak loudly and differently.

I know the pimp is your mascot.
I see how you admire the fist connecting to a Black woman's face.
I hear you dismiss the violation, the death of...
I see you curse Women
Do you see your Mother in her face?
I hear you use the word Female as if it's a slur
"Those feee-mallles" 
"These Feeee-mmallless..."
You say it with a lip curl and sneer.
You, who hide behind gang signs and governments
Legal or illegal
What's the difference?
When you have made it your job to subjugate
Do you know you're weak?
Who are you without Me?

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