Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Rebuilding

"Only in the shattering can the rebuilding occur."
Barbara Marciniak

Sometimes the word rebuilding sounds exciting. We visualize a fresh start somewhere, new people, new places. We tend to forget that rebuilding usually happens after the building has been burnt down. After the losses are so heavy and devastating that you do feel torn apart; shattered. The last thing anyone is thinking about when going through life altering events is "How am I going to rebuild my life after(insert terrible event)…?" Most of us are just trying to survive the day to day. But I need you to see this another way. I know it's hard. But I want you to try and see past (insert terrible event)to the rebuilding. I want, need, you to see Hope. I gave the word Hope a capital H because it's such a big deal. Hope is the hand that reaches for you in the dark place. Hope is what kept me going when I couldn't dress myself, when I couldn't walk, when the pain became so bad that I felt I couldn't breathe, Hope was there. Hope was there even when I didn't want it to be! There were days that I wanted to give up and other days when I actually did. I would allow myself to roll in despondency. I wouldn't allow myself to think about rebuilding, the fear was too great. Who am I? I would ask, If I am not this? How do we rebuild after the aftermath? 

"Start today by creating a version for yourself, your life, and career. Bounce back from adversity and create what you want, rebuild and rebrand. Tell yourself it's possible along the way, have patience, and maintain peace with yourself during the process."
Germany Kent

"Have patience and maintain peace with yourself" please read that again and say it aloud. It was funny, not in a haha way, but in a sad way, how I could always have patience for others and make peace with others, but never have any for myself. So I had to go back to Hope and through Hope I found patience and through patience I found peace(I think Peace should be capitalized. It's a big deal:) 
We must allow ourselves to be...shattered. We won't die, though sometimes it might feel like it or you might want to in that moment. We aren't weak. We just need time to feel what we need to feel. Give yourself permission to be hurt, in pain, tired, sad. Be patient with yourself while healing. The same words and actions you would use with someone you love if they were having a difficult time...use on yourself! Now make Peace with your situation. Hard, huh? I know. But where there is no inner peace, there can be no rebuilding. Your "foundation" will be cracked. Love who you are now. Your rebranding or rebuilding will be on a solid foundation of Hope, Peace, patience and self-love. That is a strong building! Wishing you Peace and love, but mostly Peace.

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