Sunday, February 3, 2019

What's Your Definition?

"When you judge me without knowing me, you don't define me, you define yourself."

I had a whole blog written in my head. I knew exactly what I was going to say and then I had an epiphany. I hate when I have epiphanies that ruin my best-laid plan(s)! I was going to write about how I define myself and how defining yourself doesn't necessarily mean "blocking" yourself in. Blah, blah, blah...Then I had an epiphany about myself that would have made me a hypocrite if I would have written what I was going to write. It all started after reading a Tweet from someone that I didn't agree with and the debate, regarding that tweet, with my Eldest daughter that ensued. I have never lied to myself about my faults(or I have tried not to)I don't pretend to be on a "higher plane" than everyone else or a person that walks around calling herself an "empath" or "Healer." Can you dub yourself these things? And am I the only one sick of people calling themselves this? (insert eye roll) I do suffer from impatience and this has been a thorn in my side since, well...forever. But with all of my obvious imperfections, I did believe I was a great Instructor or teacher if you will. WRONG! Not only am I a Gaw-awful teacher, I expect people to know certain things by a certain age! This horrible epiphany has ruined my wonderful illusion about myself! This tweet, from a woman asking to be educated about Black History Month and Historic Black People, rubbed me the wrong way. Why? Because in my world, I was raised to know things about other peoples Culture. And by a certain age, I do expect you to be well read enough to where you don't expect me to be your "Cultural Mammy." I know that Google exists! You don't even have to leave your home anymore to go to the library! As a child, I was told to read about everything and everyone. As my Mama would say "Only fools speak about what they don't know" and I never wanted to be seen as a plum fool, so I read.  It is arrogance to expect anyone, of any culture, to break down their cumulative history in...tweets? To give a quick summary for your benefit because you are unwilling to learn on your own. By the way, I shan't do that for anyone. To know your history and the history of others is to know yourself. So, yes, my Daughter is right, I have no patience(Duh!)and I am not a good teacher. She said except for Personal Training and Group Fitness. Thank you! So, my definition of Self has changed and I am humble enough to acknowledge it. I shall leave you with a word of advice: Be aware of the differences around you. Respect them. And if you can't or are unwilling to do that, be quiet. No one knows a fool is a fool until they speak(or Tweet!). Wishing you peace and love, but mostly, Peace. 

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