Monday, April 20, 2015

Do It.

Mortality is the fastest, clearest, most reliable teacher of what is most important to you in your own life. When faced with it, the following 30 seconds will teach you more than the previous 30 years. It is then that you will learn how difficult we make something that is so simple - LIFE  

I always wonder why we wait until the twelfth hour to do something about our weight and health. What is it with humans that we won't take our health issue's seriously until a doctor tells us we are diabetic? Or can't walk correctly, backs hurting and joints shot, THEN we take our health issue's seriously. What is that? I won't linger on that though, because we all get to where we need to be when it is our time. The first or twelfth hour, whenever, as long as you get to Change. I am guilty as well! I procrastinate on all of my doctor appointments, we won't even discuss mammograms and pap smears! I will confess my sin(s): I am two years behind. Now mind you, my Mama died of cancer, so I should be on it, right? No, maybe if I ignore it, nothing bad will happen. This is plain stupidity and fear.  I never liked being a chicken, so today I made my appointments. It is like like this with somethings, we will hate the outcome if we don't do it... but we also hate the actual Doing. I see this with people regarding exercising, changing how they eat, how they treat their bodies, too much of this and not enough of that... the list could go on. Fear is a powerful thing isn't it? I read a quote recently that said, simply, do what needs to be done and be done! Be proactive in your life, it might seem like the biggest mountain, when it is really just a molehill of fear. So, consider this short blog to be a little reminder to take care of your health, this is me harassing you, the way other's have harassed me. I thought I would share the love. Go Do what needs doing. Wishing you Love, Peace and wonderful Health! 

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