Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Relax Girl...RELAX!

As we drive through Georgia, still on our way to Florida, I realize that I am in pain; my shoulders are throbbing! Of course I immediately reach for the Motrin, then I stopped. "What is really going on?" I ask myself.  The answer came quickly: I am so used to running around(literally and figuratively) that when I am supposed to be relaxing, I don't know how! My shoulders were up to my ears, my thoughts were turned to all that I hadn't done at home before I left, Clients and classes that I had to cancel to take a much needed vacation, blah, blah, BLAH! This is typical of a lot of us, our world is full of the run around and a part of us, in my opinion, become addicted to that, to the point that when we aren't running 'crazy' we don't know what to do with ourselves. After I talked myself off of the figurative ledge, I did what I always tell others to do; Breathe, enjoy the moment, laugh, appreciate the beautiful view! I don't have to take care of everything(supreme control freak!) and guess what? Everything is going to be alright, because Bob Marley said so! As I write to you, I have candles lit, Sounds of the Season playing and an ocean view... my shoulders are down. Wishing you Love and Peace, but mostly Peace.

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