Monday, January 4, 2021

When You Are Related To Crazy, The Finale: Things My Mama Said

 "I don't know Karate! But I KNOW Ka-Razor!"

Mr. James Brown

I love the song "The Big Payback" so much. It always fueled my mood for retribution. Oh! You thought I was some Saint? You thought I have never thought of the big payback? Crossing the ones that have crossed me? Making calls and sending emails and burning down certain people's lives? Sure I did. I'm Human, aren't I? I understand the rage and the need to tell your side of the story. I understand how it feels to have the ones that wounded you, twist the story, not take responsibility for the pain they caused, and worst of all, spread lies. You have every right to feel anger and frustration. You have every right to cry. These are all normal reactions and so is wanting revenge. Let me explain why I never did seek the big payback...That Lady, also known as my Mama. I heard her as clear as a bell say, "Never allow anyone to change who you are at your core." And like that, the wind was taken out of my revenge fantasies. Sometimes it's a very jagged and bitter pill to swallow when you realize that you're a pretty decent person. And when the revenge haze wears off, you realize that what you really want, is inner peace. Revenge erodes the heart, just like bitterness and anger. And every last one of those negative emotions and actions will steal all joy from your life. Remember? We are healing. What we put out into the world, you can bet money, we will get it back. This leads me to ...

"You don't have to lift a finger against em'. Life will teach them."


There are those who don't believe in Karma and that's okay because Karma believes in them. For the good, the bad, or ugly we receive our just desserts. Would you agree? I, too, have been on the receiving end of those tables turning and it wasn't fun! On the other hand, when I put good out there and focused on my healing, I was amazed at how light I felt. Light is the best word that I have for releasing the pain of abuse. You will feel light. You will be light! How? You unburdened yourself of guilt and shame that wasn't yours to carry. Life is a wonderful teacher, so don't lay a hand or word against them. Allow life to have that honor. Don't revel in anyone's pain, focus on your healing. Let your light shine through.

"Even though your wounds are not your fault, your healing is still your responsibility." 

I wrote this series to let you know you are not alone and that you are loved. At this moment you might feel as if you will never overcome the emotional pain that you are in. That doesn't have to be the case at all! Healing is there for you if you put in the work. You have the power to break this pattern and be happy. To wake up every day and find joy. It's worth it. YOU are worth it! The life that you want is there for you...think about that, the way you do those revenge fantasies! Lol 

Wishing you peace and love...but mostly, Peace.