Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I Love Myself Therefore...

"Only surround yourself with people that will lift you higher."
Oprah Winfrey

I love this quote from Ms. O(that's what I call her in my head...Don't judge:) It has helped me so much. When I feel myself backsliding into old behaviors and allowing people back into my life that have not helped me, only hindered me, I remember this quote. It isn't easy to let go of people or certain situations. But remember; all habits can be changed! It takes diligence, perseverance, but most importantly: Self-Love. How many ways can I harp on this(How many times have I already harped on this!? lol)I don't think enough! Do you or have you written a list of how many ways and WHY you love yourself? Do you focus only on the negative things going on in your life? Past and present? Do you have a hard time giving yourself compliments? Or even accepting compliments? If you said yes to any of these questions there is work to be done! And believe me, the work never ends. I don't say this in a negative way or that being kind and positive to oneself is a burden. But, it IS an ongoing obligation. That word tends to have negative connotations, it shouldn't. Obligation- Being morally or legally bound. Responsibility. A moral imperative. Shall I go on? It is our responsibility to be kind to ourselves. To love and protect ourselves. It is morally correct and it is our Divine right to be happy and loved...does this sound like a burden now? Nah! So, today is the day that you wake up and utter those magical words: "I love myself, therefore..." and list why. I will start you off! I love doing this!  1. I love myself, therefore: I will work hard to stay away from negative people. This will be hard in certain situations, especially if you are known as "The Listener." Everyone comes to you with their problems and you might be honored by this. But, what are you getting from this? Do you feel drained? Used? Are you able to go to these people with your problems? This segues into... 2. I love myself, therefore: I will create boundaries. For yourself and for others. Never forget, we are in control of how people treat us and they treat us how we treat ourselves. 3. I love myself, therefore: I will treat myself well. This is fun! Treat yourself. A new book(my personal fave.)an hour alone, get to know yourself. What do you love to do? Would you like to take a fun class somewhere? Take the time and find out. 4. I love myself, therefore: I will take care of my "house" aka my Body. We get one! Take time with it. Compliment yourself with sincerity. Be your best hype Man/Woman! Here are a few things to compliment yourself about: I have a perfect butt! Dang! I am smart! I LOVE MY THIGHS!! I love being kind...so many wonderful things to say about yourself. Why stop at just a few? You don't have to! Give yourself compliments all day. Along with gratitude & thanksgiving, watch your world change. Be excited! Be happy! There are a lot of exclamation points going on here! lol. I just want you to know what I already know...That you are worthy of love, joy, and happiness. It's all up to you. Wishing you Love and Peace...but mostly peace.