Sunday, April 8, 2018

How To Be Professional When Surrounded By The Unprofessional

They say that most people change careers at least ten times in their lifetime. I would say that you might change jobs, but not careers in a lifetime. I have had several jobs, from Certified Nurses Assistant to Administrative Assistant to Baker's Assistant(have you noticed a theme here?)and though grateful, when I became a Personal Trainer, I knew I had found my career. Looking back I realize that with each job to now, there is something that each situation had in common: The Unprofessionals. I am sure some of you can relate? Anytime you have to work with other Humans, you will come in contact with The Unprofessionals. Because I have had so many jobs(don't judge me! Most of them I was there for years.)I think I have become an expert on the different types of unprofessional. Let me be your Sensei if you will. Read and learn how to recognize, avoid and deflect all things related to the Unprofessional. 

1.The Gossiper- This person always 'knows' what is going on with everyone else. And what they don't know, they create. Treat these people as if they have a cold and you don't want to catch it! Keep all conversation(s) about the job. If they start to talk about anything else, politely excuse yourself. That is clear, concise and professional. *Some companies can actually fire you for gossiping. Loose lips sink ships and all. 

2.The Negative Ned/Nancy- They are never happy, period. They will find fault in Heaven and they will kill a buzz. And they will also cozy up to the Boss while bashing all of their co-workers. Then come back to the employee's to bash the Boss. They are easy to identify because they usually want to complain about some policy and get your opinion about it...that's a trick. Excuse yourself or be like me and tell them you don't know what they are talking about, conversation ender. 

3.The Rule Breaker(for no good reason!)- This person likes to talk big. Mentally, they are still in High School. Always looking for a thrill and doing ignorant things. Rules don't apply to them(so they believe) and if they see you actually doing your job, they get with Negative Ned and Gossiping Greta, their followers, to trash you. These people actually fascinate me in a crazy way. Why? Because they could actually be great leaders if they wouldn't constantly sabotage themselves. People do follow and listen to them. But they must buck the system to push boundaries and when they are warned or even fired, they blame the system. Feed this type of co-worker with a long-handled spoon. You might appreciate their brash personality and they are usually funny, but if you follow them, well, get ready to get fired.  
I loved most of my jobs. I tried at all times to be professional, it didn't always work, but I tried. What I have learned is that when you go to work, even when you don't want to be there, go in happy and grateful. Have integrity and balance. My Mama taught me that I wasn't on the job to make friends. I was there to have pride in whatever I was doing and to do it well. I pass on this advice to you. Wishing you Love and Peace. But mostly, Peace!