Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Life Can Be Beautiful...Yeah! I just said that!

                "I do not believe... I know."
            Carl Jung 

"The more often we see the things around us - even the beautiful and wonderful things - the more they become invisible to us. That is why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds - even those we love. Because we see things so often, we see them less and less." 
Joseph B. Wirthlin

Life is beautiful. I believe this and I know it to be Truth. Even with wars and rumors of war. Even with bad news every day in the news(if you choose to watch and listen to that tripe!) and negative people constantly wanting to share their negativity...Life is still beautiful. To focus only on the bad is to negate the good. Let me give you a list of things to be grateful for, just in case you feel you have nothing. 1. A car -Hooptie or new, you are ridin'! 2. A bed that just has you in it -You can sleep spread eagle if you like! No complaints. 3. A bed that has someone in it...with you! - a warm body to spoon and snatch blankets off(if that's how you get down) 4.A Refrigerator, WITH food! There is nothing like food. It was created for us to enjoy with friends and family with laughter and good drink. Chew slowly and enjoy! 5. Baskets - Yes! baskets. Just think without baskets we would have to carry all of that crap in our arms. Do you realize how many accidents we would have? How much time would be wasted walking back and forth getting stuff? See? When you start thinking of all of the small things to be grateful for, they aren't so small. 6. Dry towels- I forgot to get one before I stepped into the shower the other day and realized that me and air-drying aren't friends! Cold air + drenched body = GRUMPY DAWN!
7. Candles - Because they are pretty and smell good. They make your living space peaceful and calm, invest in a few and really burn them(I never understood people that buy candles and don't burn them!). 8. Wine - Because it is wine. It correlates with candles see! It makes your living space peaceful and calm. Invest in a few bottles and really drink them(NOT all at once!) I don't understand people that buy wine and don't drink it! So there you have it, a few things you can be grateful for. Look around your World and see color, not just black and white. Enjoy and love your Life, because it IS beautiful! Wishing you Love and Peace, but mostly Peace.