Monday, December 21, 2015

The Journey is Yours

It is a difficult thing sometimes to come to grips with the fact that some things are in your control. Got you didn't I!? You thought I was going to say something else. I think at times we become so focused on what isn't in our control, we forget all that is in our control; and it is a lot. I compiled a short list one day of all the things I could have controlled if I would have chosen to: 1. Who I hung out with 2. What I ate 3. What my thoughts were/are 4. How I spent/spend my money 5. My feelings 6. My Actions. For me these are all the big things... or are they? Now I don't know if you are like me, but back in the day I had a tendency to turn molehills into mountains. I wouldn't make big scenes or big productions out of things if that is what you are thinking. But in my head, small things became BIG things that I would mull over. I would sit and ruminate, turn whatever situation that I felt uncomfortable with into a melodrama worthy of an Emmy or two. Then I would self-sabotage: Eat too much, mismanage money, listen to people that didn't have my best interest(s) at heart and then when the mess hit the fan( as it always will!) here come the feelings of guilt and unworthiness. But what makes this all so sad is the fact that we always know how the mess is going to play out. How? Because we are the ones who set it up! And all of this is done from a place of fear. In my humble opinion; fear is the most crippling emotion. Not the fear of another human being, but fear of our own greatness. The fear that you aren't worthy. The fear that you won't live up to your own expectations. The fear that you are a fraud and people might find out or the fear that you are just as great and fantastic as you believe yourself to be. So we create these different negative scenarios to hinder our greatness, and then have the audacity to try and blame other people for our lack of faith in our own abilities. Yes, I am talking to you and Yes! I know three fingers are pointing back at me as I point at you. As I stated earlier; I am most certainly guilty of doing all of this. Remember, I only write about what I know, and I know procrastination and getting in my own way! When we sit and turn every little situation inside out, when we overwhelm ourselves with the should have, could have, would have's, when we are purposely blocking our blessings, this is a way to procrastinate and not have to move forward. No one can change this but you. This is seriously a one person journey and the fare is not cheap. I have learned, just from my own experiences, that all of this was tied to my weight gain and once I understood what I needed to do; the weight was gone. Easy? No, I wouldn't lie to you( I charge extra for lies!:) But it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be once the mental baggage was tossed and burned. Ladies and Gentlemen, please remember that we are all works in progress. There will be days that you just don't want to hear or think about any of this stuff. And you know what I say to that?: GOOD! Don't think too hard on it, just DO! If you know there is work to be done; DO! I am not saying don't think at all and become this impetuous person that just jumps in the water head first. But also don't be such an over thinker that becomes such a procrastinator that nothing gets done. There must be a balance and a sense of worth that only you can give yourself; hence the title. Wishing you Love and Peace, but mostly Peace.  

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