Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Rules

I know I have written blog(s) regarding common courtesy, expectations, and standards... my own of course :) But, I don't think I have written a blog about what NOT to post on social media, or things that shouldn't be discussed in public bathrooms/locker rooms. Why do I think I must write this? Lately my personal experiences with all of the above gives me cause and pause to think about all that I have seen and heard! Social Media is a wonderful thing; I use it, I enjoy it, but some things should be kept private. Discussing ones marriage, bedroom antics, job issues, infections(gross!) how you hate/love someone, even your political bent should be kept private. Why? The J.O.B. They can and will use personal information against you. I had to explain this to a young client recently, that there is no such thing as a private page. Once posted, even if you delete, your information is now floating in the ether, ready to be snatched down and read. Now, you would think that people would know this by now? And yet, I am still seeing posts like: "My boss can go suck monkey junk!" or "I need a hug!" sigh... Rule # 1 to a happy Life: Say what needs to be said to the person intended. Do NOT email, leave voice mail, text or post on social media. Then it can't be used against you in the court of life and you will show yourself to be courageous and a non-passive aggressive. Locker rooms with their stalls and curtains might seem private, but they aren't. The walls have ears and you never know who is using one of those stalls, right? I shall call this para-graph: Beware the hidden feet. When you are a manager, in the locker room discussing an employee with ANOTHER employee, and the subject being talked about walks out of one of the stalls; weeeeell, that is bad business and in some circles that might even be called slander. Beware the hidden feet! Rule #2 for a happy and simple Life: When you are the person in charge, be a leader that sets a good example. Talk TO your people. Face to face without drama. True leaders have no problem telling you to your face what they need from you and how they want it done. Say it, explain if the need arises and move on. I know that sometimes we all feel as if we aren't being listened to and we are looking to find someone that feels the way we do; on any given topic. But posting all of your business on social media is not the way to go. Rule # 3 to having a wonderful life: Get out and meet some people! Get away from your computer, get off of the internet on your phone, take time to look UP for once. Don't have clandestine meetings in locker rooms! HA! That is just funny. But seriously, get out, stop saying the folks on social media are your "Friends" no they aren't! You don't know half of them.  Get out and get moving, this should actually be the #1 Rule of Life. Peace and love, but mostly Peace.