Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Relax Girl...RELAX!

As we drive through Georgia, still on our way to Florida, I realize that I am in pain; my shoulders are throbbing! Of course I immediately reach for the Motrin, then I stopped. "What is really going on?" I ask myself.  The answer came quickly: I am so used to running around(literally and figuratively) that when I am supposed to be relaxing, I don't know how! My shoulders were up to my ears, my thoughts were turned to all that I hadn't done at home before I left, Clients and classes that I had to cancel to take a much needed vacation, blah, blah, BLAH! This is typical of a lot of us, our world is full of the run around and a part of us, in my opinion, become addicted to that, to the point that when we aren't running 'crazy' we don't know what to do with ourselves. After I talked myself off of the figurative ledge, I did what I always tell others to do; Breathe, enjoy the moment, laugh, appreciate the beautiful view! I don't have to take care of everything(supreme control freak!) and guess what? Everything is going to be alright, because Bob Marley said so! As I write to you, I have candles lit, Sounds of the Season playing and an ocean view... my shoulders are down. Wishing you Love and Peace, but mostly Peace.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Fit2bFree!: Road Trip!

Fit2bFree!: Road Trip!: Out of the blue one of my very best friends decided she needed a vacation and on a whim, she asked me and another friend to take a Girls roa...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Road Trip!

Out of the blue one of my very best friends decided she needed a vacation and on a whim, she asked me and another friend to take a Girls road trip to Hutchinson Island in Florida. I want you all there with me, so here is my Road Trip Journal! Here we go. Day 1- I waited until the last minute to pack, and obviously Tracy did as well. Because when I look in the back seat of her truck, she has shoved everything into a laundry basket! Do you think someone is ready for a vacation? Once we get everything in the truck, I am very proud of myself; I actually made it out of my house with just two bags and a backpack! Hey! sue me, I love shoes! We make it, in one piece, to Indiana then Kentucky(Beautiful by the way). I have been to Indiana several times, but never Kentucky and this is where we crashed( it was a good thing, we were all getting a little grouchy and I was about to choke a fool out!) So we slept at a Marriott and had to share a bed ( thank the Lord I love my friend!) because in the middle of the night her foot decided to connect with my vagina! Really!? Must you flail about in the bed? And why do these things always happen to MY vagina?! She kicked me so hard, she woke herself up. We are on the road again and just made it into Nashville... I will keep you posted, after I eat! Wishing you peace, love and fried chicken:)