Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Whistle While you Work

      "Whatever you are, be a good one"
       Abraham Lincoln

I love that quote, it says all that needs saying. Whatever you do or are, be good at it, but can we also add be happy? How many people can you count that are actually happy with their jobs? High or low pay, corner office, secretary, one hour lunch breaks, and still miserable. And when people aren't happy with the job they have, they tend to not do a good job, they called that back in the day "low morale." Some call it getting fired quick, I call it taking up space and wasting time and money; yours and the company you work for.  Research has shown the correlation between low morale and work performance, which equals thousands or millions lost for the company. I understand, as I am sure you do as well, why people stay on jobs where they are completely miserable. Heck! I have been one of those people: Children, bills, car note,groceries, did I say bills? But I wish I knew then what I know now: That changing my perspective on my position in Life and on the job, depended on my thoughts about me and my worth. Not on what other people considered success, which is usually what your title is and how much money is attached to that title.  Back in the day I was a Maid, there is no shame in that. Nor have I ever been ashamed, until I met someone who tried to shame me! When I told them I had been a maid and had my own cleaning service years ago, they looked at me with incredulity. They asked me, in a whisper by the way( as if they were saying a dirty word) how that felt? I responded that it was hard work, but perfect for a clean freak( which I am!) and someone who doesn't want to talk to people and at that time in my life I didn't. You see, I was excellent at that job. I loved stepping back and seeing a job well done and smelling a clean house or office and most of all; I was Happy! This is the whole goal in life isn't it? I met two people this week( and it is just Wednesday) that made my day with their enthusiasm about their jobs. They don't have high powered jobs or a corner office, one is a cashier at the Dollar Store and the other a cashier at Dunkin' Donuts. But man! Are they happy and when I thanked one of the ladies for helping me, you know what she said to me? "No problem! I love my job and I love helping people." WHAT!? She loves her job,she loves helping people and she is good at it! That is the key to being great at whatever you do in any position. Not just going through the motions to pay the bills, but waking up ready to be the best at being happy on your job. Regardless of who or what you have to deal with, positive or negative, change your perspective, adjust your disposition and watch your world change with you. Wishing you Peace and Love, but mostly Peace. 
P.S- if you want to read a great book on how to have passion in your work and Life, read: The Fred Factor by Mark Sanborn

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