Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Break

I found myself with nothing to say. Nothing to expound on or even a minor rant. What was the matter with me!? I usually have a few witty words, a comment, even a grunt; but nothing. I have been this way for two weeks, no words to write or an opinion to share. I found myself in "my head" a lot. Not so much ignoring everything around me, because I try not to do that, but just being silent with my words, being still. Growing up, I remember my Mama telling me "Silence is Golden" that was her southern way of telling me to shut-up. Now I get it! Silence IS golden, more for me than for anyone else. While I have been silent, taking a break from trying to be in the conversation, just letting them happen; I have found that it is a certain freedom. I am not responsible for keeping conversations going, I am not responsible for other peoples words and actions, freedom. To sit in silence with your own thoughts is actually a luxury. We are a society that is overstimulated with everything. Every moment seems to be in overdrive, this hyper kinetic activity that sometimes puts my nerves on edge. Silence! Peace, be still. These moments of silence helped me organize my thoughts. Not just organize, but recreate and buffer. What I mean by "buffering" my thoughts is that I shined up some of my thinking and cleaned out those thought processes that I felt weren't working for me anymore. They say you are what you eat, but you are also what you believe and what you tell yourself. So I sat still with my thoughts, I sat still with... Myself. Who knew it could be done?! I recommend that everyone do this. Take moments to be still, silent, taking a break from  IT all. This is why I wish you Love and Peace, but mostly Peace. You can't buy it or sell it, but you CAN create it. 

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