Sunday, April 13, 2014

Can we get Happy?

"We live in a cynical world"... that is really my favorite line from the movie "Jerry Maguire" because it is true.  As we go to our business day to day, do you feel that sometimes there is an overwhelming level of cynicism? Of making things that are good bad, and what is bad, good? One of my friends described it as "treading through filthy water" that is how she feels about all of the negativity that seems to be so pervasive in our society at large.  Finding and keeping a positive outlook can be hard and sometimes you want to join the masses of cynics; but don't. Remember, everyone is responding differently to their own life experiences, they have nothing to do with you. How you take on life, how you respond to situations and how you treat your body and your mind is up to you. Cynicism is a form of distrust, which means there is no faith and no peace, then unhappiness rules. How tiring! I was once a cynical person( or tried to be) it didn't work well for me. Even in my misery, I had faith or at least a form of it. I couldn't let go of hope for total despair. I had to believe everyday that there was a reason for me to be here, for me to get up in the morning. So the cynic club kicked me out... I survived the expulsion. Have you noticed that cynical people are usually very critical as well? Pick, pick, pick is the name of their game and they are good at it. Take the time to look beyond what you see and hear and notice the very insecure person running their mouth. I always say that happiness is a choice, most things are. Being around such people will kill your happiness buzz and there is nothing worse than a buzz kill. Happiness is a choice. I can't say it enough and I have said it a lot. I DO stay away from the negativity that some chose to projectile vomit. I DO work to stay happy, without denying when I am in a bad mood; they happen. But I don't go looking to be in a bad mood or have something bad to say. Here is one more thing: Cynicism is not cool. Those people that sit in dark restaurants with sunglasses on and talk but don't move their lips and seem to have a bad review for everything. Well, they might think that is cool behavior, but I beg to differ. It is boring and sad. Choose happiness. 

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