Thursday, December 29, 2011


How much time do you think we waste on wishing? Or listing and sighing over the should have's, could have's, wonder if's? I am sure no one has ever tallied up the minutes and seconds that we put in wondering, but if they did, you know the numbers would be huge!  If a wish could sustain us, we would all be happy and full. I have found that wishing is easy, doing can be difficult... sometimes, regret at not doing either; painful. Wishing is the stuff of dreams, combine those two and you have Hope. Those are the things that keep us going, but what is the point if you don't act? Research has shown that change, the ability to act, move, adapt to a new situation can stress some of us so horribly that it will manifest itself into the physical, causing hyperventilation, hives, hot/cold flashes, shakes, fevers, full blown anxiety attacks. I was one of those, yup! me, Dawn " Hot/cold flash, full of hives " Morris, change was my nemesis or so I thought. I had to look at it another way, flip it, get really tired of being: Stagnate. If you find yourself in this situation now, wishing and hoping for change, but too afraid to move, don't be too hard on yourself. Take baby steps to get out of this. When you wish, of course wish BIG, but act and move with baby steps. Don't overwhelm yourself, but MOVE!  Write your weekly goals down, be diligent, but keep it MOVING!  Keep it simple, walk for twenty minutes instead of trying to run ten miles your first day out of the gate; Get my drift? This philosophy can be used in any situation :) Just remember: To Act is to Live. Love and Peace

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Be Real... and Grow!

People often ask me how I lost ninety pounds, what did I do that was so special. Did I change my eating habits? Yes.  Did I exercise? Yes. I did all those things, but most importantly; I was real. The excuses were cut out, I couldn’t create anymore actually. Getting to this point was hard, we love our excuses AND I have really good ones: 1. I am too tired or busy to work out(work, kids, cleaning, painting something, etc.) not that some aren’t legitimate, but there are a lot of hours in the day!  2. I will start (dieting, exercising) Monday. Why always Monday? Why not now? What makes Monday magical? Are we going to love it anymore on Monday? I  think not.  3. My knees, back, hip, head, throat hurt. Yes, they probably do. You are ninety pounds overweight! I am not trying to make light of this, but when I think back on all of the ways I bamboozled myself, I can’t help but laugh. I made the weight bigger than me(excuse the pun), if I didn’t see instant results I would just give up, I wasn’t ready to put in the work, hence the excuses and then the guilt. Oh the guilt; it takes on a life of its own, and why do we feel guilt?  When the reality is; we are doing just what we want, for good or bad, it IS what we want, it is our choice. That can be a harsh reality and it does require being honest and real with yourself and once started; it flows into every area of your life.  It is one of  The greatest gifts we can give ourselves; this whole honesty thing.  Acceptance,  Approval  and Honesty are required for change. Make it happen, no excuses.