Sunday, November 21, 2010

OBSESSED! ( scary music playing )

I am totally obsessed with working my obliques.... ( your sides people! lol) You know; Love handles (why do they call them that? There is NO love there!) Muffin Top( Why connect something as Lovely as a muffin with something so evil is beyond me!), Jean overhang, Mid - tire... Shall I go on? Anyway, I am really hitting them HARD! So hard by the way that I can barely turn! What is the matter with me? Do you remember that commercial, where they ask can you pinch more than an inch? I HATE THAT COMMERCIAL! It is in my head... I have pinched myself raw! I know what your thinking... She is crazy! Yes, I know! LOL! But seriously; I think that we all do this, where we focus on one part of our body ( mine this month just happens to be obliques) and we get crazy. Make sure to remember that it probably isn't as bad as you think it is, keep the positive thoughts going and tell the negative thoughts to SHUT-UP! Really! Say it out loud if you need to to, and the Most important point: Be able to laugh at yourself and call Youself... CRAZY! 

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