Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I choose to be happy. 
This is something I say to myself everyday.
It has become the mantra of my Life, almost my Lifeline.
A call to the positive energy that I know for sure is out there, floating... somewhere.
It is also my wall, my defense against negative people and situations that I feel might encroach on my happiness. Now, some people say this is a way to bury your head in the sand; I disagree. 
I DO know what is going on around me, I DO know what the worlds problems are, people that bury their heads in the sand have checked out. I am most definitely "plugged in" but with a different goal and a different perspective. Instead of harping on all that is wrong, I make it my goal everyday to talk about what is RIGHT with the world. Who and where is someone, anyone, doing something worthy and altruistic. I haven't lost all faith in Mankind, so I choose to see the happy, the helpful, the loving, the honest, the hard-working, the smiles, the hugs and the hand holding. I believe negativity gets enough publicity without me talking and typing more. Don't you agree? I choose to be Happy, and it IS a choice. 

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