Sunday, July 21, 2024

Self- Control

 “If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” 

Napoleon Hill 

Self-control has to be one of the most hated words in history.

Yes, I am exaggerating.

But folks become very angry with you when you ask them to exert a little self-control. 

I have literally been cursed out. 

Told that I have forgotten what it feels like to be overweight.

I've been told that I have no sympathy or compassion for people struggling with weight issues.

Both of those statements are untrue and were said out of frustration.

Why was this person angry with me(they weren't really angry with me)?

 I told them that their excuses were invalid and they lacked self-control. 

Ouch..But, it's my job, to be honest. 

I can speak this way because I have been there.

The first rule of thumb is to never talk about what you don't know.

I know what it feels like to be overweight.

I also know what it takes to get rid of that weight...forever. 


A Personal Trainer, Diet, or pill, can't give you self-control.

This comes from within. With a will and need so great that nothing else matters.

You must ask yourself: What am I willing to do, within integrity, to get what I want?  

"Will it be easy?


Will it be worth it? 


No one can make you, me, or us, do anything. 

There is freedom in that. 

Self-control is a choice.

At some point, you must ask yourself what you really want.

I've never forgotten the sweat, tears, and work that it took to get what I said I wanted. 

And it all required Self-Control. 

So, what did I say to the client who cursed me out? 

What I just said to you. 

I never said it would be easy.

But, I also didn't say it has to be insurmountable.

Don't fight change. 

It's so doable!

It's so worth it!

YOU are so worth it! 

Wishing you love and peace, but mostly peace. 

*Sometimes relying on our own understanding doesn't work.

When this happens, and you just can't get over the "rock"...Therapy is key. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Take A Minute

 "Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward"

There are moments in life when there is nothing to say or do. 

When you have nothing to say. 

When words and energy have dried up. 

Vocally, for pen, for paper, or the energy for nonsense. 

Including your own. 

I call these moments "Mental Pauses."

They used to annoy me.

Haven't we all been raised to believe that if we aren't scurrying about, we aren't being productive? 

Like hamsters on a wheel, we don't stop.

Where does the wheel go? Are you having fun on that "wheel"?

I have so many questions!

Inquire of oneself: (the conversation could go like this) 

"Self?" (you can respond...I recommend doing this in your head)

"Are you still enjoying your life?"

"Do you still find joy in your work?"

"And if not; why?"

"What can I do, in this moment, to bring joy back?"

All of these questions I asked myself.

And so, my mental pause began.

The stepping back so that I could step forward.

"Working on problems and self-examination is a sign of strength."

Dana Reeve

There is greatness and contentment in being honest with oneself. 

Self-assess, what in your life is worth keeping or giving away?

This is like cleaning a closet! Time-consuming. 

Creating giveaway piles, a for-keeps pile, and then wondering why you bought certain things(that dress was a good idea?).

There isn't another feeling like dropping excess baggage. 

Step down.

Step back.

Rest if you need to. 

It is giving a gift of joy and freedom to yourself.

Take a minute... how about two?

"I must undertake to love myself and to respect myself as though my very life depends upon self-love and self-respect."

Maya Angelou

Wishing you love and peace...But mostly, Peace.