Sunday, June 5, 2022

Peace, Be Still And Ponder

"To be able to sit with oneself...with your thoughts, or no thoughts at all. 


Allowing peace to reign free."

Stillness - Without movement or sound

Stillness (Hindi) - Peace, serenity, calmness, tranquility

Sometimes we get caught in the madness of the world.

It is part and parcel of being human.

We argue, vent, get our feelings hurt, take a break, dust ourselves off, then jump back into the fray. 

Just writing that wore me out. 

I wrote some time ago something my mother used to ask me:
"Would you rather be right, or would you rather have peace?" Being a sarcastic teenager, I would respond "I want to be right!" She would respond this way "Then you will never have peace." 

She was right. 

For a long time, I didn't.

Time, experience, getting hurt, and seeing the damage my own bad behaviors have wrought, made me pause.

I had no choice but to be still and ponder...

Ponder - To think about something carefully, especially before making a decision or coming to a conclusion.

Do you ponder?

It's a precious and beneficial skill set.

 Be still and think deeply before making a rash decision, or saying something you will probably regret. Take a deep breath(two is even better!)and ask yourself "Do I want peace, or do I want to be right?"

Entering the fray is not necessary. And if you feel it is, why? 




Be still and ponder. 

"If you want peace in your life, you have to stop declaring war."

S. L. Alder

Yeah, that was said. 

The biggest "war" we have, is with ourselves.

When we declare peace, a truce if you will, with ourselves, it becomes easier to find peace with others. I promise you!

Your peace is not expendable.

The war stops with you.

Be still.

Wishing you peace and love... But, mostly...Peace.