Sunday, November 28, 2021


 "And you give yourself away...and you give yourself away...

And you give.

And you give."

"With or Without You"


Sometimes we have been broken into pieces.

Sometimes we have been broken into pieces and don't know how to put ourselves back together.

We can get used to being this broken thing.

It is almost as if we find "comfort" in the brokenness. 

So much so, that when we have moments of inner peace, 

we give ourselves over to drama.

We will give ourselves away to the undeserving. 

To the ungrateful.

We give in and to the brokenness. 

"Sit down.



We are in charge of this miracle called breathing.

How fast or slow we breathe is up to us. 

We control this.

Think about that. 

It is amazing to me that we have all of this control over our bodies but feel we can't control our thoughts and feelings! 

Sit down with yourself.

Sift through the broken pieces.

One by one. 

Decide which ones you are ready to mend.

Visualize creating a new picture of yourself(possibly in canvas instead of glass? :). 

Which pieces, at this moment, are you ready to burn(all figurative! You all don't be burning down stuff for real:)? 

"It is better to live as a broken piece of Jade than to live as useless clay."

Bruce Lee 

Jade is beautiful. 
Even broken, the deepness of the green, the calmness you feel looking at it, and the smoothness of the stone can bring you peace. 
This is you.
Perfect, in your imperfection. 
Possibly a little broken, a little bruised.
Yet and still, beautiful.
What you create from these broken parts is up to you.
That is true power.
You are the Artist of your life.
Take the broken parts, the ones you choose and create something beautiful.
"Set fire to the broken pieces; start anew."
Lauren DeStefano
I want you to know, it took me years to use the word broken in connection to myself or anyone else.
The idea of being broken offended me. 
I took it as an insult and the questioning of my mental fortitude.
I was also in denial.
It's okay to laugh, I do. 
With time, acceptance, and the willingness to sit with the brokenness, I realized that we don't have to stay broken.
Some days will be harder than others.
That's alright, you got this!
Sift through the pieces, one by one.
The hardest part is over.
You owned your brokenness.
Now, come on Humpty, let's put you back together. 
Wishing you peace and love, but mostly...Peace.