Tuesday, March 16, 2021

It Goes On

 “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”

 Robert Frost.

I, like you, have read the Think pieces about all of the turmoil that the world, meaning us, went through this past year. The civil and racial unrest. The pandemic, job, and food insecurity...shall I go on? I know I don't need to. You get it. And while all of these things were happening, and it's clear they aren't being made up. Did you notice how life kept going on? One day followed another, and this beautiful Earth didn't explode. Maybe someday's we wanted the world to stop. But it didn't. With grumbling and some frustration, we got up and got things done. With kids home and some of us having to take in extended family, we got up and got things done. Life moves on. 

"Anything you can't control is teaching you how to let go."

Jackson Kiddard

Not being in control can feel scary. This past year has shown, that when people feel they have no control externally, they lose self-control. When you take the time to sit with yourself and think, what exactly do you control? Wait! Don't worry, this isn't me trying to be deep. I mean, who wants that? :) But know, the control is within us. This pandemic reinforced what I thought I already knew: How you take care of yourself, and your loved ones is the control you have. How you move in this world and present yourself, is control. When we take care of these important things, it's amazing how everything else falls into place. Does that sound too simplistic? Is it negating all of the world's angst? Not at all. But is the answer running down the street, yanking at our hair, screaming "THE PANDEMIC IS HERE AND YOU ARE ALL GOING TO LOSE YOUR JOBS AND GO HUUUUNGGRRYYY!!" Yeah, that will get you invited to next year's neighborhood barbeque. Self-control is part of the self-care bundle. When everyone is running around, maskless, and no social distancing to be seen, you'll be that one. Scared, probably, but with their ducks in a row. Controlling what you can, in-house, and everything else can work itself out.  

"Life is like the waves on the ocean, it keeps going."


I decided a while back that if life was going to move on, with or without me, I might as well move on with it. Gently and with less complaining. Which was hard because I am such an awesome complainer! It's a talent. I am not prescient. I don't know what's coming around the corner of tomorrow. But I work with what I have. That is my advice to you. Send out positive vibes, even when the world wants to pull you with your good vibes down. Keep going! Work with what you have and believe when no one else will.

 I wish you all love and peace, but mostly, Peace!