Saturday, September 28, 2019

"It's Not Your Fault! You Tried."


Most Personal Trainers came into the Fitness Industry because they wanted to help people reach Health and Fitness goals. That requires a level of care. The issue is that sometimes that caring will turn into aiding, abetting and enabling. Are we all guilty of this? We mean well, bless our little "Want to fix them" hearts. But we are making a problem bigger and in the long run, we won't see the results we want, nor will our job be fun. How can we keep doing what we love, attract Clients that want change and set boundaries? Keep reading.

"It's so empowering to say "This isn't serving me" and walk away in peace."

The Clients that you currently Train; how are they coming along? How long have you been their Trainer? Do they follow your program? Do they constantly have excuses? Have they reached one goal that(I hope)you created with/for them? Do they argue with you? The constant power struggle? Late with payments? If you said yes to all or most of these questions, my question for you is: Why are you still Training them? I can tell you from experience Training people like this is stressful. Ask yourself after the 90-day trial, if there is still no progress, is this Client for me? Let's be honest, a lot of times Trainers will keep Clients because, well, you are getting paid and money buys food! But the long-term is that your Brand is on the line folks. Most of us get our Clients through word of mouth. Their friends see how "Betty" has gotten fit and fabulous, and they want some of the magic, and YOU are the magician they want to hire! Do you think they will be enthusiastic to hire a Trainer that doesn't get results? This is where you must walk away.  This has nothing to do with disliking people. If you are like me, I have liked most of the people I have Trained. But this isn't about like or love, it is about business. 

"The only people who become angry when you set boundaries are the ones who most benefited from you having none."

My first Client, I released after one week.  No joke. It was as if, what I did for a living wasn't taken seriously(though she hired me!) Refusing to be dressed or shoed for our sessions, wanting to talk on the phone during our sessions and not wanting to ever be assessed! I didn't know what to do, I was so new.  I sought out a mature and well-respected Trainer and had a sit down with her. I laid out the situation and she laid into me. That was 15 years ago, and I still remember what she said: "How you feel about yourself and your business, is what you will attract! It's not worth the money if the joy is taken out of doing what you love." When I let this Client go, she cursed me out, and I have been cursed out, for the same thing, three times since. But once the boundaries are set, there is no going back, and that is wonderful. You are on your way to becoming a responsible, caring, self-aware, personal Trainer.

"By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others"

This should also read: "By being true to yourself, you will inspire others."
And they will want to Train with you! Take my word for it. Why? Because you walk the walk, people will notice, and they will come. :) You stopped making this about your ego and released Clients that wanted a therapist,  not a Personal Trainer. You stopped working from a place of fear and scarcity. Figured out that you are a fabulous Trainer, and attracted dedicated, diligent, "I am ready!" Clients. 
When it is all said and done, as long as your best was done, that is what will bring you joy. Keep growing. Never stop learning and love what you do. Wishing you love, peace, but mostly peace.