Saturday, April 20, 2019


"Beauty is being comfortable and confident in your own skin."

I always loved Women who stand like Peter Pan. Hands clasping hips, elbows jutting out like twin sails, hips and legs squarely set, with eyes that challenge "Try me." Even when they laugh they stand this way. They throw their heads back and laughter, as I imagine it, starts from their toes and rises until it gets to their stomach and then bursts forth. Filling whatever space they are in with ...happiness? But I think happiness is too small a word. Joy? Some, yes. I hear freedom when they laugh. That belly laugh is pure freedom! You see these Women and you wonder, how did you become you? You don't hide your smile. You don't dampen down your laughter. Even when people look at you to do so; you don't. I don't even think you see them staring at you! Your stride even says "I know who I am and I like who I am!"

"But really, what's so wrong with Peter Pan? Peter Pan flies. He is a metaphor for dreams and faith."
Mark Burnett 

Back to Peter Pan(if you have never seen a picture of Mr. Pan or haven't read the book by J.M Barrie, please do.)Peter Pan, for me, represents the confidence we have as children. That "I can DO and BE anything" type of confidence. All of us lose it at a certain age. All of us. Does it have to be lost forever? No! That is the great thing about life, everything can always come back to you. If you want it. If it is worth it to you. Confidence is like that as well. You can rebuild it. Brick by brick, little things, done consistently, that make you happy(and it's all about happiness!)and build you up. 

"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it."
Peter Pan

Have we all been here? Doubt slipped in like the slippery snake it is, and fear burned our wings. Self-doubt is fear on cocaine! You just don't know what it might do or say. And the lies! The lies that we tell ourselves are the worst! "You aren't pretty enough, good enough, you are a fraud!" The list of lies can go on and on...when did you forget to fly? When did the moment happen when your wings got clipped? Remember that Woman in the first paragraph? I asked the question "How did you become you?" She stopped caring. The small petty things like what people think/thought about her. She stopped(to the best of her ability)listening to the negative self-talk. She did and is doing the work. And she remembered how to fly. In the face of all things...she took flight and found freedom. Wishing you love and Peace. But mostly, Peace.