Sunday, March 10, 2019

What Do You Believe?

"The sooner you decide it's alright to believe the opposite of what the masses do, and that it is alright to trust the Universe, and you choose to be happy rather than right, the sooner you will be happy."

How often have we listened and believed what others have said about us? Even when we put up a front("I don't care what people say!")sometimes what people say will get under our skin, causing doubt and unhappiness. This is just a reminder that people have the right to their opinions, but their opinions have nothing to do with you. Once your mind is made up and you are secure in your divine right to live your life, does it really matter what others say? Unless you make it matter. Learn to trust your own thoughts and opinions. Learn to trust what you feel and what you know is right for you, without the imput of others. Isn't it funny how we second guess ourselves? Sometimes this is due to how we were raised. Or we might have had a series of bad events that has broken our confidence in ourselves. Whatever the reason, we have to get our confidence and then build it. How do you do this? By living your life. Making decisions and sticking to them. Stop defending your decisions to others and apologizing for making them. It is our divine right to be happy. It is our divine right to be at peace, to have inner-peace & to feel fabulous! Wishing you all peace and love...but mostly Peace.