Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Face to Face

. "You will never see eye-to-eye if you never meet face-to-face.” - Warren Buffett, Chairman, and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

I was told that I need to step into the Twenty-First Century. That my ways are a bit antiquated and backward. By the way, when they said this they meant well, in a backhanded compliment kind of way. I'm the person that still keeps an agenda. Yes! a real paper one! I never use my cell phone for that. I am the person that still responds to emails, texts, and phone calls. And! I still have a, wait for it, a LAND LINE! (Did you run, screaming from your room?) This is where I am REALLY sick... I still have face to face meetings with people. A new or prospective client will always get the face to face consultation. Always. 

“The only thing worse than a social networking junkie who breaks out in a cold sweat if she hasn't updated her page in the past 10 seconds is the person (usually it's a guy) who proudly refuses to join Facebook. You know, that same d-bag who held out on getting a cell phone until, like, 2002.” – Andrea Lavinthal, author

Yeah, I'm that D-bag that didn't get a cell phone until 2007! My best friend forced me to do it and even put me on her plan, just to make sure I wouldn't throw the annoying device in the trash. It's grown on me. And so has Social Media. Like the cell phone, I had to be forced into it. My Son created all of my Social Media pages. "Mama! You need them for business!" insert frustrated Son voice. I will admit I have learned a lot from so many different people on Social Media. Using it for business is helpful in ways I couldn't imagine. I also think it has created the idea that you don't have to talk to people and learn the art of schmoozing

 "Schmoozing is an analog, contact sport. You can’t do it alone from your office on the phone or via a computer"
There is a great article that I think every entrepreneur and maybe even the business person that has been at it for a while, just as a refresher course. The article is called "Improve your people skills: Learn the Lost Art of the "Schmooze" by Ivan Widjaya
I do think that we all, to a certain degree, depend a little too much on Social Media to build our business. Wrong move! You might call me crazy(wouldn't be the first time) but get to those seminars, workshops, and conventions! Shake hands, meet and greet, hand out your business card, listen, learn, talk! Go to the parties(they are usually a blast!) Be open and receptive and you might even be shocked at how many people will respond to you in kind. If you are shy and talking to people face to face causes you to erupt in hives, go easy on yourself. Take baby steps. One of my Clients who started her own business but is quite shy would meet people in the place she was most comfortable, the local Starbucks and it worked! I set goals and find the balance between using Social Media and the meet and greet and that works for me. I want to build my brand but the idea of being online for hours makes my head hurt. Find what works for you and then add something new, utilize it all! Wishing you peace and love, but mostly Peace.