Saturday, March 17, 2018

Catch Yourself

Catch yourself when you find yourself using self-deprecation to 1.Get laughs(at your expense) 2. Feel Sad 3. Hide your accomplishments 4. Blend in 
It is wonderful to know and feel comfortable in your Greatness! If you have to belittle yourself to be around anyone, they ain't worth being around.

Catch yourself when you find yourself not taking care of...Self.
1. Buy yourself somethin' pretty! 2.Get some 'smell good!' aka cologne or perfume 3. Being kind to yourself is not a sin. In fact, to do otherwise should be a sin! 4. Exercise. Why? It will make you feel good. And that is the goal. 5. Meditate. Why? It gives you focus and direction.

Catch yourself when you find yourself lying, to yourself. 
My Mama had a saying "Lie to everyone else, but never to yourself. When you start lying to yourself, you are lost."
How about this: Don't lie at all
1.Be clear as to what you want to say to others regarding you and any situation you are in. Everything doesn't need to be told! If it is a secret, why are you telling it? 
2.THE PAST IS THE PAST! Why lie to yourself about it? Whatever happened, happened. Old saying: "Tell the TRUTH and shame the devil!" But there should be NO shame for you or in you.
3. Get help if you need it! Sometimes we think we are 'over' things...We aren't. There is no shame in asking for help and it shows honesty and love for self to ask and accept. 

Catch yourself when you find yourself being negative.
1. The vibe you are giving will attract the same to you. Birds of a feather and all of that. So make up your mind to work that positive vibration! 
2. Feeling what you need to feel at that moment is not a bad thing. 
Acknowledge all emotions, you aren't a Bot, but if the emotion is negative, don't let it linger! 
3. Surrounding yourself with negative people, situations, etc. only creates more negative energy.  I chose a long time ago to not feed that beast. Happiness is attainable, even in this system. Do the work. Read the books you need to read. Talk to whomever you need to to get you to the next level of joy, happiness, and peace. You are worth it!