Tuesday, April 18, 2017

To Hold You! To Touch You!

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” 
― Groucho Marx

Last week was Library Week and I was happy to know I wasn't the only one excited! My love for books is not something I hide( I DO hide behind books though:) There isn't anything like getting a book, new or used. The weight of a book in your hands, priceless. No electronic device can compare! The moment we book lovers all wait for: When you have finally picked out the book you want, after wandering through the stacks(Library aisles) for probably hours(That would be me!)and gently pull the book from the shelf(never by the top of the spine!)open it slowly and then stick your face into the pages and inhale deeply, heaven. I only have three other smells that I love more. 1. The top of a baby's head. 2. Coffee 3. Popcorn and the honorable mention, baking bread. But I digress! Books are life. "Oh, the places you can go!" Yes, I am quoting Dr. Suess, but who(hahaha!)wouldn't? One of the greatest Writers that ever lived. Did you not read "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" to your children? That was the book I used to teach my children how to read. See, that is another thing books do, they help you create wonderful memories with your children. They remember the trips to the library in all the States we have lived in(Navy Brats). They and I, remember the Librarians that sat with them and read to them. I remember Mrs. Shapiro, the Jr. High Librarian where I went to school. Before Jr. High was turned into Middle School when we still had to write an end of the year paper and learn the Dewey Decimal System, YUCK! On Winter Break everyone had their required reading list, I had two! One from my teachers and another from Mrs. Shapiro. She allowed me to take extra books home because I read a book a day. Mrs. Shapiro fostered my love of books wholeheartedly and so did my Mama. Her rote answer to me was "Go to the library!" Mama, I am bored! "Go to the library!" Mama, what does this mean? "Go read about it. Go look it up!" I would say she just didn't know herself, but I am pretty sure she did! Reading helped me become a better communicator. Because what you don't know, you look up! Reading expands your vocabulary. As my Mother used to say "Read and learn so that no one can talk 'over your head.' Reading expands your mind and helps with memory, which will keep you young. Reading can take you out of some of the worst situations. When your home life isn't so great, young or old, pick up a book, find a corner and 'travel.' There are still books that I can't even bring up in a conversation because of how I wept! I laugh, I cry, I scream! Books are like a really great movie, except fifty times better! The Godfather is a great movie. But the book!? A Masterpiece! Oh well, I have waxed on. I do hope that you all make your way to the nearest library, find a book and a comfy chair and immerse yourself in another world. Wishing you all love and peace but mostly Peace.