Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Struggle Doesn't Have to Be Real!

I realized that the older I get, the more the small things(meaning annoyances) in life, keep getting smaller. Do I sound old? That's okay; I own it. Some are living in difficult times. Some have lived through difficult times and learned through self-love and determination, how to get out. As I look back I realized that some of the difficult times I put myself through, were totally unnecessary. It was as if I had to make the smallest decision a struggle. For instance, in the matter of relationships: Believing the lie that real love is a struggle. Why do so many of us believe this? Some of us believe this to the point that when we finally get a really great relationship, we mess it up. WHAT!? There was no drama! No struggle?! He/She actually had a job with benefits!? Yeah! Dump that loser! Here is my next favorite: Anything worth having is going to be hard to get. Who started this one? Someone who was struggling and bitter? I was once a true believer of this fallacy. If anything came too easy for me, I waited for the other shoe to drop...and so it did. I would sweat the small things and you would have thought I would have found satisfaction in doing this, seeing it was what I wanted, right? Oh Nooooo! It wouldn't have been 'Dawn World' without drama and who wanted that? I would take these small annoyances and fears, water them and let them grow. The realization that I was doing this caused me to make huge changes. Have you ever stubbed your big toe badly? I know this was a random question but bear with me. I mean, when you hit that toe so hard, tears show up and you can't speak for a while? Have you ever done that? Well, that is what it might feel like changing your thought processes. It might be just as painful as stubbing your toe, with longer healing time. Is it worth it? Yes. You can have really good things happen to you. You can have someone truly love you without there being constant upheaval. You have the power to get what you want out of life. You have the right to all of this! Most people believe you have to earn the right to happiness. The fact is: It is our Divine right to be happy! The small inconveniences, annoyance's and trifles are just time wasters. Focus on the issue at hand and that is usually staring at us every day in the mirror. If you don't know where to start, let me lend you a hand. Open your mind and your heart and purchase the book: "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay. Go ahead and 'stub your toe' on this book :) Be willing to be happy and accept happiness as your right. Wishing you peace and love, but mostly peace.