Saturday, October 15, 2016

Are You Tired Of Your Thighs Rubbing?

On and on you will hear people complaining about their weight. As a Personal Trainer I hear complaints way more than the regular Joe. Everyone knows someone that can't stop talking about their waistline. Even when you try and compliment them, they turn the compliment into something disparaging about themselves: "That skirt looks really nice on you!" Them: "Yeah, but I could stand to lose 10 lbs!" Awkward silence! Because seriously?! How does one respond to that? "Yup! you sure do Baby Cakes!" No one is ever going to say that. So this is what I have done as a Trainer, I have created the 'No Personal Attack Zone.' In my presence you are NOT allowed to physically or verbally attack yourself! If you start in on yourself, I pretend I didn't hear the remark and say something positive about you. Because the real deal is this: You and I both know that this negative self-talk is counterproductive to everything positive we are trying to accomplish. This negative vibe that you are putting out is bringing all of this negative energy right back to you. Do you like feeling bad? Are you not tired of your thighs rubbing? There was and is a reason why people hire Personal Trainers and it isn't to co-sign on all of your negative feelings, thoughts or actions. You are your own little personal terrorists against YOURSELF. Are my words a little too dramatic for you? I don't think so. Think about it: 1st Definition of Terror:  a frightening aspect. 2nd: a cause of anxiety. I came to realize, from my own experiences, how frightened I was to get rid of the weight. I would start, and then mentally, talk so negatively about what I was doing,how long it would take, etc. that I would eventually slow down to a skid. Done. The mind is an amazing thing! and when we don't take care as to how we think about Self, our actions will follow our thoughts and words. We,as Humans, are really good at moving and shaking for everyone else. It is a frightening aspect and we do become filled with anxiety when we must act on our own behalf. The question: "Are you tired of your thighs rubbing?" is not a rhetorical question. On my old business cards, on the back, I posed the question: "Are you ready for Change?" These questions are synonymous and you must answer, to yourself, honestly. Your actions will speak louder than your words. Then the complaining and self-deprecating remarks will end, because you have moved and taken action for yourself. Wishing you Love and Peace...but mostly Peace. 
Disclaimer: Excuse the different fonts...I never said I was tech savvy!