Sunday, August 9, 2015

Grow Up!

“Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.” 
― Dale CarnegieHow to Win Friends and Influence People 

It is not easy to take criticism, not for any of us. But when it is in our best interest to listen, learn something and act, why all the drama? I was once one of those full of drama (so I speak from experience) When you are insecure about where you are in life, when you are always worried about what others think of you and self-awareness is not cultivated; well, you get someone who can't take criticism, even when it is constructive. And when you are like this, you will attract others that are just like you! Believe or disbelieve it, but everyone in our lives past or present are just reflections of who we are or have been at some point. It is a jagged little pill to swallow, but true. But as you start to recognize the pattern, there will be change, but only if you recognize it. Then that is when the fun begins, you start attracting people that tell you to your face(and this is important!) just how immature you have been. GUT PUNCH! The day it happened to me, I was sitting with a good friend and I was griping about something or the other. How someone said something that hurt my feelings, blah, blah, blah... and she listened as friends will, then finally she spoke and I didn't expect what she said: "Dawn, you are being immature. What this person said to you was true. She might not have said it with sugar, but she is right and as your friend, I should have said something. I apologize, but you don't take critiquing well and we all have to mature sometime." Now you all KNOW I was heated! I didn't speak to her for a couple of days(seriously! that is how mature I was:) but did I hear her? Yeah, and that is what hurt the most. She was right and I was in a place in my life where I was ready to receive what she was saying. Growing pains hurt like a mutha sometimes! When I finally Womaned up to talk to her, I apologized and got on with growing up. Remember: once you get the right knowledge, you aren't ignorant anymore and you must act. I started to do the work and it wasn't easy, some things just aren't, but it is worth it. Look at your patterns, identify the subjects that are your "triggers" then get to work. "Ain't everybody going to agree or go along with you girl! And if they do, you are doing something wrong!"Said by my mother and she was right. I learned to take being critiqued, I never said I like it. People that love you set you straight in every area of life, without fear of you and your dramatics. This is when we have to get over ourselves, right? Wishing you peace and love, but mostly... Peace.