Monday, September 5, 2011

For the Beautiful and Alone....

Young, smart, beautiful, employed, fit, and.... Alone! How many do you know that fit this description? I recently joined a very popular, expensive, dating network( it shall remain nameless) and after four hours of filling out my profile and all that I want in a partner, etc. and blah, blah, blah; I get a little message that informs me that I am SO special that finding a "better half" to my "Best Half" will be a challenge for them! WHAT!!? WHAT AM I PAYING YOU FOR!? To repeat what my mama used to say!? That only someone "Special" would love me?! It was such a lovely way to let me down gently, how could I be upset.. but I was! Heck, I want to hold hands! I want to skip through fields and crap! But then I thought about what they were saying, I AM special! No People, in a good way, thank you very much! There is absolutely nothing the matter with me, just as there is nothing the matter with you.   I am turning this into a "lift a candle and wave it " moment; but, in my rush to date and trip the light fantastic( what DOES that mean!?) I have kissed some frogs, gotten hurt feelings, and been DD( disgusted and disappointed) to the point where I had this impenetrable wall around me. The wall is the bad place, it is a waste of time and energy, but most of all; it doesn't work.  I need to be patient, I will let Mr. Special find me for once and "trip the light fantastic" ( I still don't know what it means, but I like how it sounds) with friends and.. Me. I happen to like me in all my Special-ness :) Be Patient my friends, set your standards and KEEP to them, write down all the things you love about yourself, instead of focusing on all that you dislike, and you will attract what you like! Expect the BEST and you will get the best, because you DESERVE it.  Now put your candles down before you burn you hand....
Peace :)