Sunday, August 14, 2011

Choose... You.

Often times we believe that if we put ourselves first, we are being selfish, in fact aren’t we raised to believe that? That is not the type of selfish I mean here; I am not talking about being so selfish that you neglect family and responsibilities or being just a jerk that won’t do for others. I am talking about putting some things aside, so that You can have me time. Yes, the elusive Me time, who ever really has it? Between work, children, errands, did I say work?! Me time has become an urban legend, something people talk about in whispers and dark rooms, no, seriously! Who gets Me time? I’ll tell you who; Smart People.  Yup, that’s what I said: Smart People! Smart people know that without Me time, they get sick from overwork and stress. Smart people know that they have to find the time to exercise to keep healthy, even if it’s five in the morning( I know, that’s painful). Most importantly; Smart people know that Me time is just that, ME TIME! and it is whatever makes you happy: a manicure, sitting in front of your computer, reading a book, or just sitting doing nothing, it is your time. Time for you to get your thoughts in order, or not have a thought at all. Make time for Me time and recharge your mind and spirit.