Tuesday, July 5, 2011


"Bloom where you're planted", I have heard this my whole life and never really "got" it, until now.
When in situations that we think we can't deal with, we usually can, but it takes changing our perspective. No! I know it's not easy, and it sounds so simplistic, but it WORKS!  Prime example;  I didn't like the apartment I was in, it was small, I couldn't stand the landlords, shall I go on? I didn't even realize I was complaining out loud to people! Then one day ( I guess I was sighing and complaining AGAIN!) and my friend looked at me and said "Dawn, bloom where you are planted" she channeled my mama! I was shocked and she was right. I shut my mouth and changed my thinking; instead of saying " I can't stand living here!" I started decorating, I painted, I started buying myself flowers for my table, I started falling in love with my space. I used the same technique with losing weight, I don't know why I forgot( but we Do!) I started loving my body, I started taking in healthy food and positive knowledge that would help me love my body AND mind. I changed my perspective, and I bloomed. I stopped making my weight ( excuse my pun) bigger than me, I realized that perspective, attitude, whatever you want to call it, plays such a huge role in everything we do. Don't believe? Try it... I'm just sayin' :)