Monday, March 14, 2011


When I look back on my 43 years on this beautiful Earth, I like to go over, review if you will, all the myths and untruths that have been passed down.  Some very funny, some just out right silly!
1. Men don't care if women shave. Really?! Who are these men? So, I guess when summer comes and you are out with your man wearing a tank, looking as if you have a short person with a BIG afro in a headlock! You think your man won't be a little embarrassed? Okay, test it Little Sasquatch! :)

2. Men don't care if you get a Mani/Pedi ( This means manicure and pedicure for those that Don't get them!)  Really?! Who are these people?! Okay, so in your world cracked, steel-wool heels are sexy? When you walk on linoleum and your toes make that clicking sound on the floor this is okay?  OR when you have ruined multiple sets of sheets; due to your toes slashing them, don't you think it is time to file those knives down?

3. When you are in Love, weight doesn't matter anymore.
 Ahhh.... the Lies. Let's face it together; we are all shallow to a certain degree. We think about looks before health ( high heels prove that! Poor back!) Most of us want to look our very best , so why is it, when we get into a relationship, or become a certain age, we let it all go?  Then we blame love, career, children, etc. for our inability to love ourselves. Yes! I SAID: For our inability to Love ourself enough to keep heart healthy, spiritually happy,or mentally happy; they are all tied together.  Yup, Dawn is on her soapbox , but, how much time do you dedicate, per week, to being loving to.... You?  Not for a man or woman, just for you.  Exercise, meditate, approve of yourself, affirm who you are, be in LOVE with you! It took me 43years to learn it.... I'm just sayin'
Peace :)